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Finology.in Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Finology.in

Comprehensive analysis of Finology.in's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #400 globally with 399,519 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

26 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Finology.in

Finology.in has built a robust backlink profile with 1,569 referring domains and 16,116 total backlinks. With 21.2% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


21.2% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Finology.in ranks for 1,098 keywords in position #1, and 12,883 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 7 countries, with strongest performance in India and United Arab Emirates. This demonstrates Finology.in's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Finology.in

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
indiatimes.com 148,946 25.1 54,104
↑34,193 ↓59,044 New 45,095
moneycontrol.com 147,418 14.7 100,623
↑25,525 ↓37,140 New 37,745
livemint.com 139,558 24.6 50,242
↑39,192 ↓39,859 New 50,318
groww.in 139,501 17.4 86,327
↑44,142 ↓42,522 New 23,166
business-standard.com 132,195 29.6 17,285
↑35,753 ↓39,543 New 51,182
economictimes.com 128,956 43.8 12,358
↑15,708 ↓29,241 New 81,257
5paisa.com 120,904 22.7 51,793
↑35,506 ↓48,331 New 24,813
businesstoday.in 118,469 26.6 33,951
↑37,881 ↓37,720 New 34,463
screener.in 118,252 15.6 78,709
↑45,251 ↓23,622 New 19,689

Top Keywords for Finology.in

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
irfc share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IRFC 8 7,480,000 350,812 15 I $0.15
tata motors ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATAMOTORS 8 4,090,000 191,821 23 C $0.67
screener https://ticker.finology.in/screener 4 2,740,000 180,566 41 N $0.01
bel share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BEL 8 2,740,000 128,506 13 I $0.02
irctc share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IRCTC 7 1,830,000 120,597 17 I $0.03
jio finance share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/JIOFIN 8 2,240,000 105,056 15 C $
yes bank share https://ticker.finology.in/company/YESBANK 8 2,240,000 105,056 28 N $0.16
nhpc share https://ticker.finology.in/company/NHPC 10 3,350,000 85,760 0 N $0.51
nhpc stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/NHPC 10 3,350,000 85,760 0 C $0.51
tata steel share price today https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATASTEEL 10 3,350,000 85,760 18 C $0.56
ongc share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ONGC 7 1,220,000 80,398 11 I $
rec limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/RECLTD 6 1,220,000 80,398 6 C $0.97
hindustan construction co ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 4 823,000 80,077 0 C $
hindustan construction company limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 4 823,000 80,077 0 C $
hindustan construction company ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 4 823,000 80,077 0 C $
hindustan construction company share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 4 823,000 80,077 0 C $
steel authority of india share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/SAIL 8 1,500,000 70,350 9 I $0.05
zomato share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ZOMATO 11 2,740,000 70,144 16 I $0.06
tatasteel share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATASTEEL 11 3,350,000 65,995 25 C $0.56
cochin shipyard share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/COCHINSHIP 8 1,220,000 57,218 0 C $0.01
ifci limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IFCI 7 1,220,000 57,218 0 C $0.19
ireda share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IREDA 14 5,000,000 56,500 1 I $0.43
exide industries limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/EXIDEIND 7 823,000 54,235 0 C $0.95
exide share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/EXIDEIND 7 823,000 54,235 0 C $0.95
gtl infra ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GTLINFRA 6 823,000 54,235 0 C $
gtl infra stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GTLINFRA 6 823,000 54,235 0 C $
hindustan construction stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 5 823,000 54,235 0 C $
idfcfirstbank share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IDFCFIRSTB 7 823,000 54,235 0 I $0.07
irb infrastructure developers limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IRB 8 823,000 54,235 0 C $
irb infrastructure developers ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IRB 7 823,000 54,235 0 C $
share price hcc https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 6 823,000 54,235 0 I $
trident limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TRIDENT 7 823,000 54,235 7 C $0.01
bajaj auto today share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BAJAJ-AUTO 5 550,000 53,515 15 C $0.19
hdfc netbanking https://ticker.finology.in/company/HDFCBANK 76 24,900,000 52,290 71 I $0.26
tata technologies limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATATECH 10 1,500,000 50,700 6 C $0.20
tatapower share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATAPOWER 12 3,350,000 50,250 22 C $0.39
ticker finology https://ticker.finology.in/ 1 165,000 50,160 33 C $0.42
subex azure share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/SUBEXLTD 3 301,000 48,762 0 C $
ashok leyland ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ASHOKLEY 8 1,000,000 46,900 10 C $0.24
jio financial services share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/JIOFIN 7 1,000,000 46,900 15 C $0.02
sip cal https://www.finology.in/Calculators/Invest/SIP-Calculator.aspx 10 4,090,000 46,217 47 N $0.06
asian paint share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ASIANPAINT 5 673,000 44,350 18 C $
bandhan.bank share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BANDHANBNK 7 673,000 44,350 5 I $1.86
waaree renewable share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/SCRIP-237056 7 673,000 44,350 0 I $0.01
jio financial share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/JIOFIN 11 2,240,000 44,128 9 I $
inoxwind share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/INOXWIND 6 450,000 43,785 0 I $0.47
orient greenpower share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GREENPOWER 4 450,000 43,785 0 C $
rattanindia power share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/RTNPOWER 4 450,000 43,785 0 C $0.01
gail india share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GAIL 9 1,220,000 41,236 4 I $0.12
hudco share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HUDCO 8 1,220,000 41,236 0 I $0.07
iex share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IEX 10 1,220,000 41,236 9 C $0.01
ifci ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IFCI 7 1,220,000 41,236 1 C $0.19
vodafone idea share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IDEA 9 1,220,000 41,236 23 I $0.01
adani wilmar share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/AWL 8 823,000 38,598 1 I $0.24
gtl infrastructure ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GTLINFRA 7 823,000 38,598 0 C $
h c c share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCC 8 823,000 38,598 0 C $
idfc first bank share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IDFCFIRSTB 9 823,000 38,598 5 I $0.07
idea share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IDEA 10 1,500,000 38,400 7 I $
indian oil corporation share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IOC 10 1,500,000 38,400 12 C $0.80
tata tech share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TATATECH 11 1,500,000 38,400 0 C $0.20
nhpc ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/NHPC 13 3,350,000 37,855 0 C $0.51
bajaj auto stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BAJAJ-AUTO 7 550,000 36,245 9 C $0.19
dlf company share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/DLF 6 550,000 36,245 4 C $
dlf share value https://ticker.finology.in/company/DLF 7 550,000 36,245 3 C $
hcl technology share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HCLTECH 7 550,000 36,245 13 C $
nagarjuna construction share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/NCC 6 550,000 36,245 0 C $
ncc share value https://ticker.finology.in/company/NCC 7 550,000 36,245 0 I $
ncc stock quote https://ticker.finology.in/company/NCC 7 550,000 36,245 1 C $
nescafe india share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/NESTLEIND 5 550,000 36,245 11 C $0.01
share price of dlf limited https://ticker.finology.in/company/DLF 7 550,000 36,245 0 C $
sib bank share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/SOUTHBANK 5 550,000 36,245 0 I $0.23
south indian bank stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/SOUTHBANK 6 550,000 36,245 0 C $0.23
stock price of nestle india https://ticker.finology.in/company/NESTLEIND 7 550,000 36,245 15 C $0.01
trent ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/TRENT 7 550,000 36,245 10 C $0.27
uco share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/UCOBANK 6 550,000 36,245 0 C $
ucobank share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/UCOBANK 6 550,000 36,245 0 I $
hbl power systems share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/HBLPOWER 4 368,000 35,806 0 C $0.60
r c f share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/RCF 4 368,000 35,806 0 C $
vikas life care share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/VIKASLIFE 4 368,000 35,806 0 C $0.08
vikas lifecare share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/VIKASLIFE 4 368,000 35,806 0 C $0.08
bhel share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BHEL 12 2,240,000 33,600 9 I $0.19
itc ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ITC 13 2,240,000 33,600 21 C $0.20
pnb share price today https://ticker.finology.in/company/PNB 12 2,240,000 33,600 16 I $
lumpsum-calculator https://www.finology.in/Calculators/Invest/Lumpsum-Calculator.aspx 2 201,000 32,562 25 N $0.09
bandhan bank stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BANDHANBNK 9 673,000 31,563 3 C $1.86
kpit technologies share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/KPITTECH 7 673,000 31,563 5 C $0.50
powergrid corporation of india share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/POWERGRID 8 673,000 31,563 3 C $0.01
cdsl share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/CDSL 9 1,220,000 31,232 0 I $0.05
bel stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BEL 13 2,740,000 30,962 13 C $0.02
hdfc bank limited https://ticker.finology.in/company/HDFCBANK 13 4,090,000 30,675 55 N $0.25
federal bank share rate https://ticker.finology.in/company/FEDERALBNK 6 450,000 29,655 0 I $0.04
jsw energy limited share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/JSWENERGY 7 450,000 29,655 1 C $0.10
pc jewellers stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/PCJEWELLER 6 450,000 29,655 0 C $0.59
share price mmtc https://ticker.finology.in/company/MMTC 6 450,000 29,655 0 I $0.01
share value of jsw energy https://ticker.finology.in/company/JSWENERGY 7 450,000 29,655 1 I $0.10
zee ltd share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/ZEEL 6 450,000 29,655 13 C $
ioc share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/IOC 11 1,500,000 29,550 8 I $0.80
aarti ind share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/AARTIIND 4 301,000 29,287 8 I $
bajaj finserv ltd stock price https://ticker.finology.in/company/BAJAJFINSV 4 301,000 29,287 9 C $0.07
grse share price https://ticker.finology.in/company/GRSE 7 301,000 29,287 0 I $0.41

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Finology.in?

Finology.in ranks for 399,519 keywords, with 1,098 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "irfc share price" (7,480,000 monthly searches), "tata motors ltd share price" (4,090,000 monthly searches), and "screener" (2,740,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Finology.in's strong presence in informational, commercial, and navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Finology.in?

Analysis of Finology.in's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 7 countries. The top markets include India (19,315,537 monthly visitors), United Arab Emirates (55,032 monthly visitors), and United Kingdom (37,307 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Finology.in's international reach, with particularly strong performance in India.

Who Are Finology.in's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Finology.in faces strong competition from finology.in (185,584 shared keywords), indiatimes.com (148,946 shared keywords), and moneycontrol.com (147,418 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in finology.in and indiatimes.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 34.0 for its top competitor, Finology.in maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Finology.in's Search Engine Visibility?

Finology.in's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 1,098 keywords in position #1 and 12,883 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 110,791 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Finology.in's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 10,926,206 monthly visitors, Finology.in demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in India and United Arab Emirates contributes to its global rank of #400. This traffic distribution, combined with 399,519 ranking keywords, positions Finology.in as a significant player in the digital space.

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