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Hepsiburada.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Hepsiburada.com

Comprehensive analysis of Hepsiburada.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #411 globally with 2,351,079 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Hepsiburada.com

Hepsiburada.com has built a robust backlink profile with 19,443 referring domains and 9,717,272 total backlinks. With 84.8% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


84.8% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Hepsiburada.com ranks for 81,472 keywords in position #1, and 236,513 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 10 countries, with strongest performance in Turkiye and Germany. This demonstrates Hepsiburada.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Hepsiburada.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
trendyol.com 1,548,307 16.4 905,744
↑161,588 ↓121,552 New 1,120,819
akakce.com 1,259,386 22.4 540,297
↑373,032 ↓208,051 New 535,772
cimri.com 1,139,203 23.8 432,075
↑291,835 ↓263,684 New 487,022
ciceksepeti.com 957,832 33.6 155,494
↑103,912 ↓108,814 New 727,090
sahibinden.com 926,282 27.4 279,570
↑189,999 ↓100,779 New 552,131
n11.com 888,425 30.1 199,592
↑201,846 ↓204,475 New 437,217
eksisozluk.com 744,961 34.1 162,247
↑286,539 ↓105,533 New 315,024
sikayetvar.com 647,978 27.4 174,792
↑131,358 ↓136,257 New 336,927
pttavm.com 618,953 40.6 28,242
↑3,396 ↓1,981 New 613,024

Top Keywords for Hepsiburada.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
hepsiburada https://www.hepsiburada.com/ 1 4,090,000 1,243,360 30 - -
harem altın https://www.hepsiburada.com/haremaltin 2 7,480,000 1,211,760 14 - -
altinkaynak https://www.hepsiburada.com/altinkaynak-1-gram-24-ayar-altin-akg001-pm-HBC00002UQKEE-yorumlari 4 4,090,000 269,531 16 - -
hesap makines https://www.hepsiburada.com/hesap-makineleri-c-15298 3 2,740,000 266,602 5 - -
decathlon https://www.hepsiburada.com/decathlon 2 1,500,000 243,000 0 - -
boyner https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/boyner 2 1,220,000 197,640 50 - -
media markt https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/mediamarkt 4 1,500,000 189,540 27 - -
teknosa https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/teknosa 4 1,500,000 189,540 46 - -
iphone 13 https://www.hepsiburada.com/iphone-13-iphone-ios-telefonlar-xc-60005202-t4 3 2,240,000 176,541 19 - -
çeviri https://www.hepsiburada.com/ceviri-sesli-x-s42312 85 68,000,000 142,800 34 - -
wp https://www.hepsiburada.com/wp 2 823,000 133,326 32 - -
amedstore https://www.hepsiburada.com/amedstore 3 1,220,000 118,706 0 - -
airfryer https://www.hepsiburada.com/fritozler-c-22017 1 368,000 111,872 2 - -
elektrikli bisiklet https://www.hepsiburada.com/elektrikli-bisikletler-c-27026409 1 368,000 111,872 0 - -
gs store https://www.hepsiburada.com/galatasaray-store-urunleri-c-23000 2 673,000 109,026 0 - -
xiaomi https://www.hepsiburada.com/xiaomi-android-telefonlar-xc-60005201-b1123 2 673,000 109,026 4 - -
arçelik https://www.hepsiburada.com/arcelik 4 823,000 103,994 7 - -
lcw https://www.hepsiburada.com/lcwaikiki 4 1,500,000 98,850 27 - -
çeyrek altın https://www.hepsiburada.com/ceyrek-altin-c-60008246 5 1,500,000 98,850 50 - -
akülü araba https://www.hepsiburada.com/akulu-arabalar-c-23021003 1 301,000 91,504 0 - -
akülü arabalar https://www.hepsiburada.com/akulu-arabalar-c-23021003 1 301,000 91,504 0 - -
canva https://www.hepsiburada.com/canva-sinirsiz-canva-pro-satin-al-pm-HBC000057OT3Y 5 1,830,000 85,827 29 - -
samsung https://www.hepsiburada.com/samsung-android-telefonlar-xc-60005201-b8848 3 673,000 85,040 49 N $0.14
nesine https://www.hepsiburada.com/staticpage/545225150793371 14 9,140,000 78,183 21 C $0.02
pokı https://www.hepsiburada.com/poki 7 2,240,000 75,712 16 - -
ayçiçek yağı https://www.hepsiburada.com/aycicek-yaglari-c-60002211 1 246,000 74,784 0 - -
bluetooth kulaklık https://www.hepsiburada.com/bluetooth-kulakliklar-c-16218 1 246,000 74,784 21 - -
klima https://www.hepsiburada.com/klimalar-c-17453 1 246,000 74,784 23 - -
vantilatör https://www.hepsiburada.com/vantilatorler-c-17412 1 246,000 74,784 0 - -
akıllı saat https://www.hepsiburada.com/akilli-saatler-c-60003676 2 450,000 72,900 29 - -
e bebek https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/ebebek 2 450,000 72,900 19 - -
tofisa https://www.hepsiburada.com/tofisa/tesettur-giyim-c-60006034 3 450,000 72,900 0 C $0.02
ps5 https://www.hepsiburada.com/playstation-5-c-80757005 4 301,000 69,543 13 - -
rossmann https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/rossmann 3 550,000 69,498 8 - -
altın fiyatı https://www.hepsiburada.com/kulce-ziynet-cumhuriyet-altinlari-c-530175 12 9,140,000 68,550 85 - -
nike https://www.hepsiburada.com/nike 4 1,000,000 65,900 38 - -
cumhuriyet altını https://www.hepsiburada.com/cumhuriyet-altinlari-c-60003493 4 673,000 65,482 39 - -
koton https://www.hepsiburada.com/koton 4 673,000 65,482 34 - -
dyson https://www.hepsiburada.com/dyson 3 823,000 64,863 29 - -
english home https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/english-home 4 823,000 64,863 2 - -
madame coco https://www.hepsiburada.com/madamecoco 4 823,000 64,863 0 T $0.03
buzdolabı https://www.hepsiburada.com/buzdolaplari-c-22154 1 201,000 61,104 21 - -
elektrikli scooter https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=elektrikli+scooter 1 201,000 61,104 8 - -
scooter https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=scooter 1 201,000 61,104 0 - -
22 ayar bilezik https://www.hepsiburada.com/22-ayar-bilezikler-c-212357 3 368,000 59,616 36 - -
film makinesi https://www.hepsiburada.com/muzik-kutusu-film-makinesi-temali-pm-HBC00005BYF3O 2 368,000 59,616 1 - -
playstation 5 https://www.hepsiburada.com/playstation-5-konsol-c-80757006 2 368,000 59,616 34 - -
ödül https://www.hepsiburada.com/odul/erkek-slip-boxerlar-c-60000693 7 368,000 59,616 12 - -
ins https://www.hepsiburada.com/ins-cahit-zarifoglu-pm-HBC000006GKVT 8 2,240,000 57,344 19 - -
epey https://www.hepsiburada.com/epey-murat-celik-pm-HB0000198078 3 550,000 53,515 29 - -
kırtasiye https://www.hepsiburada.com/kirtasiye-urunleri-c-15344 6 550,000 53,515 2 - -
saat kaç https://www.hepsiburada.com/saat-kac-para-saat-ve-para-ogretim-araci-pm-HB00000K0N0T 4 550,000 53,515 6 - -
superstep https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/superstep 3 550,000 53,515 1 - -
fener https://www.hepsiburada.com/fenerler-c-356609 34 24,900,000 52,290 67 - -
fenerbahçe https://www.hepsiburada.com/fenerbahce-erkek-urunleri-c-27075532 56 24,900,000 52,290 67 - -
mango https://www.hepsiburada.com/meyveler-c-60006235?filtreler=turu:Mango 7 1,220,000 52,068 0 - -
erkek spor ayakkabı https://www.hepsiburada.com/erkek-spor-ayakkabilari-c-60002383 1 165,000 50,160 0 - -
ps4 https://www.hepsiburada.com/playstation-4-konsollari-c-60003892 1 165,000 50,160 16 - -
kahve makinesi https://www.hepsiburada.com/kahve-makineleri-c-22348 2 301,000 48,762 0 - -
mavi https://www.hepsiburada.com/mavi 5 1,000,000 46,900 75 - -
ekşi sözlük https://www.hepsiburada.com/eksi-sozluk-kutsal-bilgi-kaynagi-pm-ksel01738 7 1,830,000 46,848 16 - -
fenerium https://www.hepsiburada.com/fenerium-c-27074921 7 368,000 46,500 1 - -
huawei https://www.hepsiburada.com/huawei-android-telefonlar-xc-60005201-b8851 3 368,000 46,500 16 - -
poki https://www.hepsiburada.com/poki-baby-oyun-odasi-mobilyasi-xc-80381037-b65284 9 2,240,000 44,128 30 - -
bebek arabası https://www.hepsiburada.com/bebek-arabalari-c-60002064 1 135,000 41,040 0 - -
derin dondurucu https://www.hepsiburada.com/derin-dondurucular-c-22266 1 135,000 41,040 1 - -
drone https://www.hepsiburada.com/drone-multikopter-c-60006033 1 135,000 41,040 0 - -
klavye https://www.hepsiburada.com/klavyeler-c-1 1 135,000 41,040 0 - -
kombi fiyatları https://www.hepsiburada.com/kombiler-c-17723 1 135,000 41,040 1 - -
pelet sobası https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=pelet+soba 1 135,000 41,040 0 - -
karbir https://www.hepsiburada.com/karbir/bahce-sulama-malzemeleri-c-60000381 2 246,000 39,852 0 - -
klima fiyatları https://www.hepsiburada.com/klimalar-c-17453 2 246,000 39,852 4 - -
altın fiyatları https://www.hepsiburada.com/kulce-ziynet-cumhuriyet-altinlari-c-530175 18 9,140,000 39,302 100 - -
lc waikiki https://www.hepsiburada.com/lcwaikiki 5 823,000 38,598 45 - -
ajda bilezik https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=ajda+bilezik&sayfa=3 5 550,000 36,245 0 - -
iphone 14 pro max https://www.hepsiburada.com/iphone-14-pro-max-iphone-ios-telefonlar-xc-60005202-t9 4 550,000 36,245 21 - -
bosch https://www.hepsiburada.com/bosch 3 368,000 35,806 42 - -
harem altın fiyatları https://www.hepsiburada.com/haremaltin 3 368,000 35,806 27 - -
harem altın fiyatı https://www.hepsiburada.com/haremaltin 3 368,000 35,806 9 - -
samsung s23 ultra https://www.hepsiburada.com/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-256-gb-8-gb-ram-samsung-turkiye-garantili-pm-HBC00003P2GFS 3 368,000 35,806 9 - -
tdk sözlük https://www.hepsiburada.com/tdk-ilkogretim-turkce-sozluk-pm-HB00000ND0LZ 3 368,000 35,806 8 N $0.10
telefon https://www.hepsiburada.com/telefonlar-c-2147483642 3 368,000 35,806 36 - -
victoria's secret https://www.hepsiburada.com/victoriasecret 3 368,000 35,806 69 - -
biber gazını https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=biber+gaz%C4%B1 1 110,000 33,440 0 - -
mini buzdolabı https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=mini+buzdolab%C4%B1 1 110,000 33,440 0 - -
mutfak maÅŸa https://www.hepsiburada.com/mutfak-masasi-c-80320062 1 110,000 33,440 0 - -
nintendo switch https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=nintendo+switch 1 110,000 33,440 0 - -
playstation 4 https://www.hepsiburada.com/playstation-4-konsollari-c-60003892 1 110,000 33,440 3 - -
elektrikli scooterlar https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=elektrikli+scooter 2 201,000 32,562 6 - -
harems https://www.hepsiburada.com/harems-kozmetik-kisisel-bakim-urunleri-xc-60001547-b1790 2 201,000 32,562 0 - -
kamp sandalye https://www.hepsiburada.com/kamp-sandalyeleri-c-19190 2 201,000 32,562 0 - -
kamp sandalyesi https://www.hepsiburada.com/kamp-sandalyeleri-c-19190 2 201,000 32,562 0 - -
metro market https://www.hepsiburada.com/magaza/metro 6 201,000 32,562 12 - -
robot süpürgeler https://www.hepsiburada.com/robot-supurge-c-80160033 2 201,000 32,562 19 - -
dünya haritası https://www.hepsiburada.com/ara?q=d%C3%BCnya+haritas%C4%B1 5 673,000 31,563 2 - -
çeyrek altın fiyatı https://www.hepsiburada.com/ceyrek-altin-c-60008246 11 2,740,000 30,962 87 - -
fanatik https://www.hepsiburada.com/fanatik 13 3,350,000 30,485 24 - -
homm bitkisel https://www.hepsiburada.com/hommbitkisel 4 450,000 29,655 13 - -
1001 oyun https://www.hepsiburada.com/1001-cicek-kitaplar-oyun-kitaplari-xc-215404-b49059 8 1,500,000 29,550 7 - -
diken https://www.hepsiburada.com/dikenstore 4 301,000 29,287 10 - -

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Hepsiburada.com?

Hepsiburada.com ranks for 2,351,079 keywords, with 81,472 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "hepsiburada" (4,090,000 monthly searches), "harem altın" (7,480,000 monthly searches), and "altinkaynak" (4,090,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Hepsiburada.com's strong presence in search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Hepsiburada.com?

Analysis of Hepsiburada.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 10 countries. The top markets include Turkiye (53,553,933 monthly visitors), Germany (184,028 monthly visitors), and Azerbaijan (126,338 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Hepsiburada.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Turkiye.

Who Are Hepsiburada.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Hepsiburada.com faces strong competition from hepsiburada.com (1,963,621 shared keywords), trendyol.com (1,548,307 shared keywords), and akakce.com (1,259,386 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in hepsiburada.com and trendyol.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 21.6 for its top competitor, Hepsiburada.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Hepsiburada.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Hepsiburada.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 81,472 keywords in position #1 and 236,513 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 811,332 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Hepsiburada.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 10,584,238 monthly visitors, Hepsiburada.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Turkiye and Germany contributes to its global rank of #411. This traffic distribution, combined with 2,351,079 ranking keywords, positions Hepsiburada.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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