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Linguee.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Linguee.com

Comprehensive analysis of Linguee.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #860 globally with 4,338,021 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Linguee.com

Linguee.com has built a robust backlink profile with 20,407 referring domains and 336,453 total backlinks. With 44.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


44.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Linguee.com ranks for 60,244 keywords in position #1, and 125,067 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in United States and Germany. This demonstrates Linguee.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Linguee.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
reverso.net 687,962 22.8 250,241
↑139,335 ↓161,921 New 314,306
collinsdictionary.com 599,329 13.7 391,026
↑136,301 ↓160,246 New 150,527
wordreference.com 583,174 21.4 239,096
↑173,757 ↓168,853 New 154,903
cambridge.org 554,140 15.8 335,522
↑132,742 ↓139,792 New 153,449
bab.la 553,369 24.8 165,709
↑128,807 ↓181,978 New 184,130
spanishdict.com 469,336 16.0 299,794
↑95,110 ↓91,313 New 184,295
wiktionary.org 415,654 26.5 151,222
↑124,408 ↓161,390 New 76,143
wordhippo.com 376,735 23.1 155,969
↑118,062 ↓125,867 New 75,637
pons.com 375,050 22.8 139,256
↑116,972 ↓85,776 New 131,093

Top Keywords for Linguee.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
english to sp https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 6 11,100,000 375,180 59 N $0.88
en to sp https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 8 11,100,000 218,670 74 I $0.88
eng to sp https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 9 11,100,000 166,500 54 N $0.88
colegiación https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/colegiaci%C3%B3n.html 4 450,000 136,800 0 I $0.95
traductores https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/traductor.html 98 37,200,000 78,120 67 I $0.89
translations https://www.linguee.com/ 40 37,200,000 78,120 100 N $1.04
fã https://www.linguee.com/portuguese-english/translation/f%C3%A3.html 5 673,000 44,350 0 N $0.70
english to bangalore https://www.linguee.com/german-english/translation/bangalore.html 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.32
fr to eng https://www.linguee.com/english-french 7 1,220,000 31,232 40 N $1.29
que sig https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/que+significa.html 5 301,000 29,287 0 I $0.37
verticaux https://www.linguee.com/french-english/translation/store+verticaux.html 4 246,000 23,935 0 I $0.72
de l'or https://www.linguee.com/french-english/translation/de+l%27or.html 1 74,000 22,496 0 T $0.76
linguee https://www.linguee.com/ 1 74,000 22,496 27 N $0.67
donde este https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/este+donde+este.html 6 450,000 21,105 0 I $0.40
que significa https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/que+significa.html 5 301,000 19,835 14 I $0.37
spanish language to english https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 33 9,140,000 19,194 55 I $1.21
spanish to en https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/spanish+to+english.html 26 9,140,000 19,194 73 I $1.21
tiempo medio https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/tiempo+medio.html 3 110,000 17,820 7 I $1.18
lavandaria https://www.linguee.com/portuguese-english/translation/lavandaria.html 4 165,000 16,054 0 N $1.11
es google translate https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/google+translate.html 9 673,000 13,258 84 N $1.65
también se buscó https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/tambi%C3%A9n+se+busc%C3%B3.html 1 40,500 12,312 0 I $0.75
cableado https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/cableado.html 3 74,000 11,988 0 N $10.68
eng to fre https://www.linguee.com/english-french 10 1,000,000 11,300 45 N $1.04
traductor inglés-español https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/traductor+ingl%C3%A9s+espa%C3%B1ol.html 28 5,000,000 10,500 49 I $0.83
translate english into spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 34 5,000,000 10,500 61 N $1.24
por las que https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/por+las+que.html 1 33,100 10,062 0 C $
seizure disorder in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/seizure+disorder.html 2 33,100 10,062 0 I $
si esta https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/si+est%C3%A1.html 1 33,100 10,062 16 N $
intubiert https://www.linguee.com/german-english/translation/intubiert.html 3 60,500 9,801 0 I $0.02
dic spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 7 368,000 9,420 47 I $0.94
translate english francais https://www.linguee.com/english-french 7 368,000 9,420 53 N $1.24
traduciendo https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/traduciendo.html 11 823,000 9,299 20 I $0.53
tibios https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/tibios.html 6 165,000 7,738 0 I $1.00
traducirlas https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/y+traducirlas+al+ingl%C3%A9s.html 12 823,000 7,489 0 I $0.53
spanish to dictionary https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 8 368,000 7,249 67 N $0.94
têmpera https://www.linguee.com/portuguese-english/translation/t%C3%AAmpera.html 8 201,000 6,793 0 I $0.73
sage spice in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/sage+spice.html 2 22,200 6,748 0 I $0.06
fr to en https://www.linguee.com/english-french 15 1,220,000 6,222 56 I $1.29
spanish that translation https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 12 673,000 6,124 57 N $1.22
traductor de inglés a español https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/traductor+ingl%C3%A9s+espa%C3%B1ol.html 36 2,740,000 5,754 51 I $0.75
english portugal https://www.linguee.com/english-portuguese 10 368,000 5,520 4 I $1.08
english to portuguese https://www.linguee.com/english-portuguese 9 368,000 5,520 27 I $1.08
feliz navidad a todos meaning https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/feliz+navidad+a+todos.html 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $
scallops spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/scallops.html 2 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.12
epileptic seizure in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/epileptic+seizure.html 3 33,100 5,362 0 I $
licenciamiento https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/licenciamiento.html 5 33,100 5,362 0 I $1.14
usée https://www.linguee.com/french-english/translation/us%C3%A9e.html 7 110,000 5,159 0 I $0.17
eng to chi https://www.linguee.com/english-chinese 10 450,000 5,085 40 N $1.13
español dictionary https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 8 246,000 4,846 47 N $1.01
werteunion https://www.linguee.com/german-english/translation/werteunion.html 30 2,240,000 4,704 25 C $0.69
beetroot spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/beetroot.html 2 14,800 4,499 0 I $
beets in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/beets.html 2 14,800 4,499 0 I $
familiar in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/familiar.html 3 14,800 4,499 0 I $
lang spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/lang.html 1 14,800 4,499 45 I $3.51
red beets in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/red+beet.html 2 14,800 4,499 0 I $
selfishness in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/selfishness.html 2 14,800 4,499 0 I $
thyme herb spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/thyme.html 3 14,800 4,499 0 C $
thyme in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/thyme.html 2 14,800 4,499 0 I $
cva in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/cva+-+cerebrovascular+accident.html 4 27,100 4,390 0 I $
highest in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/highest.html 7 165,000 4,224 0 I $
traductor english and spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish 7 165,000 4,224 33 I $1.07
cn to english https://www.linguee.com/chinese-english 10 368,000 4,158 21 N $1.93
eng to chin https://www.linguee.com/english-chinese 11 450,000 4,095 23 I $1.13
dutch englisch https://www.linguee.com/english-dutch 4 60,500 3,986 22 N $2.47
ger to english https://www.linguee.com/ 13 673,000 3,970 39 N $1.57
germany english https://www.linguee.com/english-german 15 673,000 3,970 77 I $1.57
juega https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/juega.html 9 201,000 3,959 0 I $0.29
acabamento https://www.linguee.com/portuguese-english/translation/acabamento.html 4 40,500 3,940 0 I $1.44
traductor google inglés español https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/traductor+google.html 39 1,830,000 3,843 42 I $0.73
ciñe https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/ci%C3%B1e.html 6 110,000 3,718 1 I $0.33
estará bien https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/estar%C3%A1+bien.html 1 12,100 3,678 0 I $
accediendo https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/accediendo.html 2 22,200 3,596 0 I $0.69
capítulo meaning https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/cap%C3%ADtulo.html 4 22,200 3,596 0 I $
sage herb in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/sage+herb.html 3 22,200 3,596 0 I $0.06
sage plant in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/sage+plant.html 3 22,200 3,596 0 I $0.06
coincidió https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/coincidi%C3%B3+con.html 5 74,000 3,470 0 I $0.32
salidas https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/salidas.html 6 74,000 3,470 0 I $0.99
q significa https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/que+significa.html 11 301,000 3,401 31 I $0.37
eng to rus https://www.linguee.com/english-russian 12 450,000 3,375 25 N $0.55
translate eng to fr https://www.linguee.com/english-french 11 368,000 3,348 47 N $1.24
cellulosique https://www.linguee.com/french-english/translation/cellulosique.html 5 49,500 3,262 0 I $1.03
por la que https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/por+la+que.html 3 33,100 3,220 0 N $
translate this to english https://www.linguee.com/ 38 1,500,000 3,150 100 N $1.71
buenas suerte https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/buenas+suerte.html 1 9,900 3,009 0 I $0.30
cashew nuts spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/cashew+nuts.html 2 9,900 3,009 0 C $0.18
counts in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/counts.html 1 9,900 3,009 0 I $0.18
elastam https://www.linguee.com/italian-english/translation/elastam.html 1 9,900 3,009 0 I $1.46
lead metal spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/lead+metal.html 2 9,900 3,009 0 C $0.93
te extrañamos https://www.linguee.com/spanish-english/translation/te+extra%C3%B1amos.html 1 9,900 3,009 0 I $
danÄ› https://www.linguee.com/czech-english/translation/dan%C4%9B.html 2 18,100 2,932 13 N $0.36
french to en https://www.linguee.com/english-french 20 1,220,000 2,928 66 I $1.29
paraplegico https://www.linguee.com/portuguese-english/translation/parapl%C3%A9gico.html 11 110,000 2,816 0 I $41.53
french into english https://www.linguee.com/french-english 21 1,220,000 2,806 37 I $1.29
england to german https://www.linguee.com/english-german 16 550,000 2,805 34 I $0.94
cerebrovascular accident in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/cerebrovascular+accident.html 4 27,100 2,636 0 I $
strokes spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/stroke.html 4 27,100 2,636 0 I $
updates spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/update.html 4 27,100 2,636 0 I $
french to english https://www.linguee.com/english-french 29 1,220,000 2,562 70 N $1.29
banalmente https://www.linguee.com/italian-english/translation/banalmente.html 7 74,000 2,501 0 I $
higher in spanish https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/higher.html 10 165,000 2,475 0 I $

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Linguee.com?

Linguee.com ranks for 4,338,021 keywords, with 60,244 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "english to sp" (11,100,000 monthly searches), "en to sp" (11,100,000 monthly searches), and "eng to sp" (11,100,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Linguee.com's strong presence in navigational and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Linguee.com?

Analysis of Linguee.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include United States (3,567,137 monthly visitors), Germany (2,197,376 monthly visitors), and Hong Kong (1,438,577 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Linguee.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in United States.

Who Are Linguee.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Linguee.com faces strong competition from linguee.com (866,276 shared keywords), reverso.net (687,962 shared keywords), and collinsdictionary.com (599,329 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in linguee.com and reverso.net which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 35.7 for its top competitor, Linguee.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Linguee.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Linguee.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 60,244 keywords in position #1 and 125,067 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 696,814 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Linguee.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 5,277,180 monthly visitors, Linguee.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in United States and Germany contributes to its global rank of #860. This traffic distribution, combined with 4,338,021 ranking keywords, positions Linguee.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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