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Careerpower.in Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Careerpower.in

Comprehensive analysis of Careerpower.in's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #872 globally with 743,641 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Careerpower.in

Careerpower.in has built a robust backlink profile with 4,300 referring domains and 327,598 total backlinks. With 93.3% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


93.3% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Careerpower.in ranks for 12,348 keywords in position #1, and 29,834 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 6 countries, with strongest performance in India and United Kingdom. This demonstrates Careerpower.in's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Careerpower.in

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
adda247.com 229,640 32.9 58,547
↑33,061 ↓62,715 New 122,240
jagranjosh.com 220,057 28.5 69,676
↑43,556 ↓57,016 New 103,419
byjus.com 216,174 22.1 107,863
↑48,692 ↓67,732 New 59,584
testbook.com 215,092 25.1 81,867
↑58,533 ↓59,978 New 74,107
pw.live 190,128 29.3 64,107
↑30,913 ↓70,053 New 75,948
indiatimes.com 173,126 34.0 33,361
↑28,141 ↓42,287 New 96,438
shiksha.com 156,200 24.3 76,875
↑26,848 ↓47,356 New 60,833
careers360.com 148,232 33.4 35,751
↑31,620 ↓46,978 New 59,789
geeksforgeeks.org 129,931 37.5 25,430
↑23,714 ↓67,338 New 30,905

Top Keywords for Careerpower.in

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
ibps https://www.careerpower.in/ibps-po-result.html 3 1,000,000 97,300 18 N $0.25
indian premier league 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/ipl-winners-list.html 85 45,500,000 95,550 65 I $0.03
ssc gd https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-gd.html 5 1,220,000 80,398 61 N $0.08
ssc for mts https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-mts.html 1 246,000 74,784 25 T $0.11
ssc multitasking staff https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-mts.html 1 246,000 74,784 38 T $0.11
indian capitals and states https://www.careerpower.in/states-and-capitals-of-india.html 4 450,000 72,900 17 I $
rrb ntpc https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 2 450,000 72,900 54 N $0.16
ssc cgl pre syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-cgl-syllabus.html 1 201,000 61,104 18 T $0.02
syllabus for ssc combined graduate level exam https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-cgl-syllabus.html 1 201,000 61,104 18 C $0.02
syllabus for ssc graduate level exam https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-cgl-syllabus.html 1 201,000 61,104 27 C $0.02
names vegetable https://www.careerpower.in/school/biology/vegetables-name 3 550,000 53,515 0 I $
list of t20 world cup winner team https://www.careerpower.in/t20-cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 1 165,000 50,160 21 I $0.03
computer is full form https://www.careerpower.in/computer-full-form.html 4 301,000 48,762 0 C $0.17
words and opposite https://www.careerpower.in/opposite-words.html 5 301,000 48,762 10 I $0.01
one day world cup https://www.careerpower.in/cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 4 450,000 43,785 47 I $0.02
indian premier league winner list https://www.careerpower.in/ipl-winners-list.html 1 135,000 41,040 25 I $
list of days in february https://www.careerpower.in/blog/important-days-in-february 2 135,000 41,040 3 I $0.01
chart for tenses https://www.careerpower.in/tense-chart.html 3 246,000 39,852 0 I $
full form of s s c https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-full-form.html 4 246,000 39,852 0 C $
grammar tense chart https://www.careerpower.in/tense-chart.html 3 246,000 39,852 11 I $
hindi alphabet s https://www.careerpower.in/hindi-alphabet-varnamala.html 3 246,000 39,852 6 I $0.01
railway recruitment board recruitment 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 2 246,000 39,852 65 N $0.02
tnpsc group4 https://www.careerpower.in/tnpsc-group-4.html 2 246,000 39,852 25 N $0.12
ssconline cgl https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-cgl-apply-online.html 4 550,000 36,245 56 N $0.09
world cup last https://www.careerpower.in/cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 4 368,000 35,806 48 I $0.01
highest mountain peak in the india https://www.careerpower.in/highest-peak-in-india.html 3 110,000 33,440 2 I $
india highest peak https://www.careerpower.in/highest-peak-in-india.html 1 110,000 33,440 11 I $
largest mountain peak in india https://www.careerpower.in/highest-peak-in-india.html 1 110,000 33,440 4 C $
ssc syllabus gd https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-gd-syllabus.html 1 110,000 33,440 12 I $0.03
railways recruitment 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 2 201,000 32,562 54 N $0.02
syllabus ssc exam https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-cgl-syllabus.html 3 201,000 32,562 27 I $0.02
sarkari result 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/sarkari-result.html 17 6,120,000 31,212 23 C $0.04
states and capital cities of india https://www.careerpower.in/states-and-capitals-of-india.html 6 450,000 29,655 11 I $
central teacher eligibility test https://www.careerpower.in/ctet.html 9 1,500,000 29,550 30 I $0.37
input and devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/input-devices-of-computer 4 90,500 27,512 25 T $0.01
longest indian river https://www.careerpower.in/longest-river-in-india.html 2 90,500 27,512 0 I $
ntpc rrb syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc-syllabus.html 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.01
railway recruitment board notification 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 1 90,500 27,512 9 C $0.02
rpf constable syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/blog/rpf-constable-syllabus 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $
rrb ntpc recruitment 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 1 90,500 27,512 100 C $
world cup list winners https://www.careerpower.in/cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 1 90,500 27,512 29 I $
list of cricket t20 world cup winners https://www.careerpower.in/t20-cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 2 165,000 26,730 20 I $0.03
shortcut command of computer https://www.careerpower.in/computer-shortcut-keys.html 5 165,000 26,730 29 I $0.01
t20 world cup list of winners https://www.careerpower.in/t20-cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 2 165,000 26,730 22 I $0.03
t20 world cup past winners https://www.careerpower.in/t20-cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 2 165,000 26,730 21 I $0.03
twenty20 world cup winners list https://www.careerpower.in/t20-cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 2 165,000 26,730 24 I $0.03
icc cwc https://www.careerpower.in/cricket-world-cup-winners-list.html 23 9,140,000 24,678 60 N $0.01
fullform of ssc https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-full-form.html 5 246,000 23,935 0 C $
hindi language alphabet https://www.careerpower.in/hindi-alphabet-varnamala.html 5 246,000 23,935 6 I $0.01
india national things https://www.careerpower.in/national-symbols-of-india.html 6 246,000 23,935 1 I $0.01
rtm nagpur university result https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 3 246,000 23,935 19 C $
rtm university result https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 3 246,000 23,935 19 N $
rtmnu result nagpur https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 3 246,000 23,935 20 T $
rtmnu results https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 3 246,000 23,935 11 I $
rtmnu university result https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 3 246,000 23,935 17 N $
ssc of full form https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-full-form.html 8 246,000 23,935 0 I $
staff selection commission full form https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-full-form.html 6 246,000 23,935 25 C $
fci recruitment 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/fci-recruitment.html 1 74,000 22,496 0 I $0.02
india national tree https://www.careerpower.in/national-tree-of-india.html 4 74,000 22,496 3 I $
indian national tree https://www.careerpower.in/national-tree-of-india.html 4 74,000 22,496 2 I $
input devices in a computer https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/input-devices-of-computer 3 74,000 22,496 16 C $
out devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 2 74,000 22,496 13 C $0.01
output devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 1 74,000 22,496 13 T $0.01
rrb ntpc notification 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc.html 1 74,000 22,496 0 I $
salary for sbi po https://www.careerpower.in/sbi-po-salary.html 4 74,000 22,496 4 I $0.02
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sbi bank po salary https://www.careerpower.in/sbi-po-salary.html 3 74,000 22,496 0 N $0.02
ssc jr engineer https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-je.html 1 74,000 22,496 13 C $0.15
staff selection commission junior engineer https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-je.html 1 74,000 22,496 22 C $0.15
syllabus of ssc chsl https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-chsl-syllabus.html 1 74,000 22,496 1 I $0.02
a3 b3 formula https://www.careerpower.in/a3-b3-formula.html 5 135,000 21,870 0 T $
general knowledge and https://www.careerpower.in/gk-general-knowledge.html 2 135,000 21,870 28 N $0.02
knowledge general knowledge https://www.careerpower.in/gk-general-knowledge.html 3 135,000 21,870 53 I $0.02
india capital states https://www.careerpower.in/states-and-capitals-of-india.html 7 450,000 21,105 12 I $
month of february special days https://www.careerpower.in/blog/important-days-in-february 6 201,000 19,557 0 I $
dsssb https://www.careerpower.in/dsssb.html 7 550,000 18,590 27 N $0.12
computer hardware output devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 2 60,500 18,392 13 T $1.68
computer out devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 2 60,500 18,392 9 T $1.68
computer output devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 2 60,500 18,392 13 T $1.68
ctet syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/ctet-syllabus.html 1 60,500 18,392 11 I $0.04
multitasking ssc syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-mts-syllabus.html 1 60,500 18,392 4 C $0.01
output device of computer system https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 4 60,500 18,392 13 T $1.68
pc output devices https://www.careerpower.in/school/computer/output-devices-of-computer 2 60,500 18,392 13 T $1.68
po in ibps https://www.careerpower.in/ibps-po.html 3 60,500 18,392 33 I $0.20
probationary officer sbi exam https://www.careerpower.in/sbi-po.html 1 60,500 18,392 16 I $0.05
rpf sub inspector syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/blog/rpf-si-syllabus 1 60,500 18,392 0 I $
sbi exam po https://www.careerpower.in/sbi-po.html 1 60,500 18,392 16 I $0.05
sbi probationary officer results https://www.careerpower.in/sbi-po-result.html 1 60,500 18,392 5 I $
ssc multi tasking staff syllabus https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-mts-syllabus.html 1 60,500 18,392 7 T $0.01
syllabus of rpf si https://www.careerpower.in/blog/rpf-si-syllabus 1 60,500 18,392 0 I $
ems results 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rguhs-result 2 110,000 17,820 0 I $
fci https://www.careerpower.in/fci-recruitment.html 2 110,000 17,820 8 I $0.14
rpf exam date 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/blog/rpf-exam-date-2024 5 110,000 17,820 0 T $0.02
rrb ntpc apply https://www.careerpower.in/rrb-ntpc-apply-online.html 2 110,000 17,820 89 N $0.03
ssc cgl exam dates 2024 https://www.careerpower.in/blog/ssc-cgl-2024 5 110,000 17,820 12 T $0.13
uppsc agriculture https://www.careerpower.in/blog/uppsc-agriculture-services-exam-2024 5 368,000 17,259 3 N $1.58
andhra pradesh tet https://www.careerpower.in/ap-tet.html 5 246,000 16,211 6 N $0.03
chart of verb tenses https://www.careerpower.in/tense-chart.html 5 246,000 16,211 11 I $
rtmnu nagpur university result https://www.careerpower.in/school/result/rtmnu-result 4 246,000 16,211 20 T $

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Careerpower.in?

Careerpower.in ranks for 743,641 keywords, with 12,348 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "ibps" (1,000,000 monthly searches), "indian premier league 2024" (45,500,000 monthly searches), and "ssc gd" (1,220,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Careerpower.in's strong presence in navigational and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Careerpower.in?

Analysis of Careerpower.in's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 6 countries. The top markets include India (9,221,749 monthly visitors), United Kingdom (51,026 monthly visitors), and United States (38,696 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Careerpower.in's international reach, with particularly strong performance in India.

Who Are Careerpower.in's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Careerpower.in faces strong competition from careerpower.in (320,737 shared keywords), adda247.com (229,640 shared keywords), and jagranjosh.com (220,057 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in careerpower.in and adda247.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 39.6 for its top competitor, Careerpower.in maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Careerpower.in's Search Engine Visibility?

Careerpower.in's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 12,348 keywords in position #1 and 29,834 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 118,716 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Careerpower.in's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 5,240,780 monthly visitors, Careerpower.in demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in India and United Kingdom contributes to its global rank of #872. This traffic distribution, combined with 743,641 ranking keywords, positions Careerpower.in as a significant player in the digital space.

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