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Cricketworldcup.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Cricketworldcup.com

Comprehensive analysis of Cricketworldcup.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #873 globally with 24,440 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Cricketworldcup.com

Cricketworldcup.com has built a robust backlink profile with 6,966 referring domains and 164,756 total backlinks. With 53.5% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


53.5% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Cricketworldcup.com ranks for 459 keywords in position #1, and 1,819 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in India and Pakistan. This demonstrates Cricketworldcup.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Cricketworldcup.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
icc-cricket.com 7,133 11.5 4,687
↑1,514 ↓1,458 New 2,733
espncricinfo.com 7,088 6.8 6,123
↑1,611 ↓1,162 New 1,571
hindustantimes.com 7,052 15.9 3,332
↑1,659 ↓1,856 New 2,647
indiatimes.com 6,929 26.0 1,268
↑1,451 ↓1,797 New 3,374
cricbuzz.com 6,889 11.0 5,195
↑1,841 ↓1,057 New 2,088
thehindu.com 6,854 26.8 1,301
↑983 ↓1,357 New 4,246
ndtv.com 6,786 18.7 2,941
↑1,604 ↓1,496 New 2,926
business-standard.com 6,595 27.4 1,144
↑1,114 ↓1,528 New 3,670
mykhel.com 6,573 30.3 1,197
↑1,898 ↓1,367 New 2,867

Top Keywords for Cricketworldcup.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
icc cwc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 9,140,000 889,322 60 N $0.01
world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 7,480,000 252,824 100 I $0.04
world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 7,480,000 252,824 52 I $0.01
icc cricket world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 2,240,000 147,616 52 I $0.01
world cup 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 823,000 80,077 48 I $
cricket world cup one day https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 450,000 72,900 60 I $0.02
odi world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 450,000 72,900 61 I $0.02
icc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 20 13,600,000 58,480 100 N $0.06
cricket world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 450,000 43,785 73 I $0.01
one-day international world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 450,000 43,785 59 I $0.02
world cup matches https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 1,500,000 38,400 58 I $0.02
cwc23 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 1 110,000 33,440 30 I $0.02
world cup world cup schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 673,000 22,747 54 I $
icc world cup 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 450,000 15,210 52 I $0.05
cricket world cup of india https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 90,500 14,661 55 I $0.01
icc world cup 2023 live https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 135,000 13,135 45 I $
icc cwc 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 450,000 11,520 48 I $0.05
t20 world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 165,000 10,873 60 I $0.01
world cup 2023 match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 60,500 9,801 52 I $
australian men's cricket team https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 93 4,090,000 8,589 47 I $0.43
today match world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 74,000 7,200 48 I $
world t20 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 84 3,350,000 7,035 77 N $0.06
wcc 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 40,500 6,561 61 I $0.01
cricket icc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 13 673,000 6,124 90 N $0.06
icc wc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 60,500 5,886 71 T $0.18
iccwc 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 33,100 5,362 35 C $
icc world cup matches https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 110,000 5,159 54 I $0.01
one day world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 11 450,000 5,085 47 I $0.02
wc final https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 11 368,000 4,158 54 I $0.01
world cup fi https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 11 368,000 4,158 57 I $0.01
icc cwc schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 74,000 3,470 48 N $0.02
icc world cup groups 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 33,100 3,220 48 I $
world cup 2023 live https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 60,500 2,837 48 I $
international cricket icc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 13 246,000 2,779 65 N $0.02
cricket world cup schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 40,500 2,668 54 I $0.01
cricket icc world cup schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 74,000 2,501 51 I $0.02
icc cricket world cup matches schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 74,000 2,501 51 I $0.02
cricket world cup 2023 live https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 22,200 2,160 47 I $
world cup 2023 matches schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 12,100 1,960 52 I $
ક્રિકેટ વર્લ્ડ કપ https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 12,100 1,960 23 C $0.01
cricket world cup itinerary https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 40,500 1,899 60 C $0.01
today cricket world cup match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 40,500 1,899 86 I $
cwc matches https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 27,100 1,785 58 C $
t20 world cup 2023 men https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 27,100 1,785 77 I $
ind next match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 52 823,000 1,728 24 I $0.08
u 19 world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 56 823,000 1,728 31 I $0.01
world cup points table https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 57 823,000 1,728 30 I $0.07
આઇસીસી ક્રિકેટ વર્લ્ડ કપ https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 1 5,400 1,641 34 C $
wc matches https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 33,100 1,552 60 T $0.08
international cricket board https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 17 301,000 1,535 90 C $0.02
most runs in world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 13 201,000 1,507 35 I $
icc odi world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 22,200 1,462 61 I $0.02
india wc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 10 74,000 1,457 67 I $0.05
today wc match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 10 74,000 1,457 71 I $
world cup 23 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 14,800 1,440 64 I $0.01
icc live cricket match today https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 41 673,000 1,413 94 N $0.11
icc live cricket today https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 45 673,000 1,413 86 N $0.11
wc cricket schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 40,500 1,368 51 I $0.01
international cricket council https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 20 301,000 1,294 59 N $0.02
wc 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 49,500 1,267 60 I $
world cup stats https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 12,100 1,177 23 I $0.01
icc world cup schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 10 74,000 1,110 51 I $0.02
international cricket world cup schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 11 74,000 1,110 51 I $0.02
icc cricket world cup finals https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 22,200 1,041 63 I $
world cup 2023 match list https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 40,500 1,036 51 I $
semi-final world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 14 110,000 1,001 26 I $
today's t20 world cup match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 56 450,000 945 58 I $0.48
odi world cup 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 27,100 915 48 I $
upcoming world cup match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 18,100 848 51 I $
icc world cup points table https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 16 165,000 841 30 T $
dates for cricket world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 9 40,500 797 59 I $0.01
world cup all match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 12,100 797 54 I $
vishwa cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 8,100 788 89 T $0.05
cricket schedule t20 world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 99 368,000 772 52 I $0.02
t20 world cup 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 10 49,500 742 48 I $
icc world cup 2023 tickets https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 4,400 712 26 I $
icc 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 14,800 694 50 N $0.01
icc matches https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 27 301,000 632 60 C $0.02
icc women https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 85 301,000 632 24 N $0.67
world cup 2023 points table https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 36 301,000 632 30 C $
icc men's world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 7 18,100 611 88 I $0.02
cricket world schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 9 40,500 607 62 I $0.01
icc cricket.com https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 3,600 583 99 N $0.43
today match wc 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 3,600 583 48 C $
tomorrow match world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 3,600 583 43 I $
fixture world cup https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 9 22,200 568 58 I $
world cup cricket matches schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 22,200 568 55 I $
icc t20 world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 5 12,100 567 60 C $0.01
odi wc https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 12,100 567 59 T $0.01
one day world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 6 12,100 567 48 I $0.01
world cup 2023 date https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 8 12,100 567 58 I $
ind vs aus world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 16 110,000 561 26 I $
cricket world cup games today https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 5,400 525 58 I $
icc wc 2023 schedule https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 5,400 525 59 I $
india vs australia world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 29 246,000 516 26 I $
icc world cup 2023 news https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 3 1,600 486 66 I $
men's world cup 2023 https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 1 1,600 486 51 I $
wcc 2023 match https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 1,600 486 41 I $
cricket world cup today https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 4 2,900 469 89 I $
world cup 2023 tickets https://www.cricketworldcup.com/ 2 2,900 469 48 I $

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Cricketworldcup.com?

Cricketworldcup.com ranks for 24,440 keywords, with 459 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "icc cwc" (9,140,000 monthly searches), "world cup" (7,480,000 monthly searches), and "world cup 2023" (7,480,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Cricketworldcup.com's strong presence in navigational and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Cricketworldcup.com?

Analysis of Cricketworldcup.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include India (3,045,942 monthly visitors), Pakistan (431,222 monthly visitors), and United Kingdom (399,271 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Cricketworldcup.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in India.

Who Are Cricketworldcup.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Cricketworldcup.com faces strong competition from cricketworldcup.com (7,217 shared keywords), icc-cricket.com (7,133 shared keywords), and espncricinfo.com (7,088 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in cricketworldcup.com and icc-cricket.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 40.7 for its top competitor, Cricketworldcup.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Cricketworldcup.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Cricketworldcup.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 459 keywords in position #1 and 1,819 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 6,386 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Cricketworldcup.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 5,239,319 monthly visitors, Cricketworldcup.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in India and Pakistan contributes to its global rank of #873. This traffic distribution, combined with 24,440 ranking keywords, positions Cricketworldcup.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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