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Baomoi.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Baomoi.com

Comprehensive analysis of Baomoi.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #901 globally with 840,293 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Baomoi.com

Baomoi.com has built a robust backlink profile with 47,601 referring domains and 16,762,859 total backlinks. With 50.5% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


50.5% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Baomoi.com ranks for 3,163 keywords in position #1, and 14,776 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in Vietnam and Japan. This demonstrates Baomoi.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Baomoi.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
vnexpress.net 337,408 36.0 75,282
↑64,860 ↓76,164 New 174,386
tuoitre.vn 307,164 40.3 43,338
↑45,315 ↓84,356 New 164,802
thanhnien.vn 293,806 36.6 48,193
↑46,848 ↓95,819 New 137,170
laodong.vn 285,143 41.6 40,119
↑46,444 ↓61,815 New 165,955
dantri.com.vn 282,225 44.7 32,419
↑37,939 ↓66,348 New 168,516
vietnamnet.vn 274,612 43.8 37,026
↑43,961 ↓72,124 New 146,973
tienphong.vn 252,539 42.5 29,415
↑38,660 ↓66,632 New 138,062
suckhoedoisong.vn 210,136 42.5 29,480
↑31,312 ↓46,687 New 123,817
vtv.vn 188,022 45.0 18,392
↑28,521 ↓48,938 New 104,747

Top Keywords for Baomoi.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
xo so mien bac /ket-qua-xo-so-mien-bac-hom-nay-2-11-2024-xsmb-2-11-2024-xsmb-c50618606.epi 7 83,100,000 2,127,360 68 I $3.79
baomoi / 1 2,740,000 832,960 20 N $0.06
vietnamnet /bao-vietnamnet-p23.epi 3 2,240,000 362,880 24 N $0.04
xsmb /ket-qua-xo-so-mien-bac-hom-nay-2-11-2024-xsmb-2-11-2024-xsmb-c50618606.epi 18 83,100,000 274,230 74 I $3.79
bao / 1 823,000 250,192 100 N $0.03
tin tuc / 4 3,350,000 220,765 100 N $0.01
sxmn /tag/SXMN.epi 11 20,400,000 185,640 78 I $3.83
xsmn /truc-tiep-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-chu-nhat-3-11-xsmn-3-11-kqxsmn-3-11-2024-c50619545.epi 25 83,100,000 174,510 78 I $2.08
xsnm /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-25-9-2024-kqxsmn-25-9-c50277365.epi 43 83,100,000 174,510 74 I $2.08
bảng xếp hạng ngoai hạng anh /bong-da/bang-xep-hang-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 2 823,000 133,326 28 I $0.12
lịch thi đấu ngoại hạng anh /bong-da/lich-thi-dau-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 2 823,000 133,326 11 I $0.05
bongdaplus /tag/Bongdaplus.epi 4 1,220,000 118,706 0 I $0.20
mu /manchester-united-tag54.epi 6 1,220,000 118,706 31 C $0.39
bảng xếp hạng ngoại hạng anh /bong-da/bang-xep-hang-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 3 823,000 80,077 27 I $0.12
the thao /the-thao.epi 2 450,000 72,900 100 N $0.27
ngoại hạng anh /bong-da/bang-xep-hang-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 10 2,740,000 70,144 43 I $0.30
tiền phong /bao-tien-phong-p20.epi 3 368,000 59,616 61 N $0.12
tiền phòng /bao-tien-phong-p20.epi 2 368,000 59,616 46 I $0.12
24h / 13 7,480,000 56,100 100 N $0.05
baó / 4 823,000 54,235 100 I $0.03
số miền nam hôm nay /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmn-mien-nam.epi 5 823,000 54,235 35 I $5.67
man u /manchester-united-tag54.epi 6 550,000 53,515 67 I $0.06
manchester united /manchester-united-tag54.epi 5 550,000 53,515 40 I $0.06
tin the thao /the-thao.epi 2 301,000 48,762 100 N $0.15
kqxs /ket-qua-xo-so-kqxs-hom-nay-thu-tu-ngay-16-10-2024-c50466886.epi 10 4,090,000 46,217 85 N $2.22
giá vàng hôm nay /tien-ich/gia-vang.epi 13 5,000,000 45,500 21 I $0.40
premier league /nottingham-forest-vao-top-3-premier-league-c50620620.epi 7 673,000 44,350 97 C $0.07
lich ngoai hang anh /bong-da/lich-thi-dau-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 3 450,000 43,785 38 I $0.09
liverpool /liverpool-tag119.epi 5 450,000 43,785 26 I $0.03
xổ số miền nam ngày hôm nay /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmn-mien-nam.epi 3 450,000 43,785 31 I $2.90
thời tiết /thoi-tiet-tp-hcm-hom-nay-3-11-ngay-nang-nong-toi-mua-rao-c50621311.epi 54 20,400,000 42,840 44 N $0.03
bảo tín minh châu /tien-ich/gia-vang-btmc.epi 2 246,000 39,852 3 I $0.16
lich thi dau ngoai hang anh /bong-da/lich-thi-dau-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 2 246,000 39,852 11 I $
phap luat tphcm /bao-phap-luat-tp-hcm-p114.epi 3 246,000 39,852 34 I $
trận đấu ngoại hạng anh /bong-da/lich-thi-dau-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 2 246,000 39,852 37 I $0.22
doc bao / 5 823,000 38,598 100 N $0.01
xổ số kiến thiết miền nam /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmn-mien-nam.epi 5 823,000 38,598 54 I $0.86
tin tức / 12 3,350,000 37,855 100 N $0.01
xổ số miền nam hôm qua /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmn-mien-nam.epi 3 368,000 35,806 18 I $
facebook /bi-bat-vi-mua-giay-chung-nhan-gia-tren-facebook-c50578709.epi 32 16,600,000 34,860 49 N $0.06
xshn /tag/XSHN.epi 6 1,000,000 33,800 78 I $2.21
tỷ số bóng đá hôm nay /bong-da/livescore.epi 1 110,000 33,440 84 I $0.17
báo / 2 201,000 32,562 100 N $0.03
tin thế giới /the-gioi.epi 2 201,000 32,562 72 N $0.06
xổ số kiến thiết miền bắc /ket-qua-xo-so-mien-bac-hom-nay-2-10-2024-xsmb-2-10-2024-xsmb-c50341794.epi 5 673,000 31,563 55 I $4.24
báo thanh niên /bao-thanh-nien-p19.epi 5 450,000 29,655 52 I $0.02
chelsea /chelsea-tag90.epi 7 450,000 29,655 33 I $0.05
lịch ngoại hạng anh /bong-da/lich-thi-dau-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 5 450,000 29,655 18 I $0.09
câu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenal /arsenal-tag100.epi 5 301,000 29,287 28 I $
tin the gioi /the-gioi.epi 3 301,000 29,287 78 N $0.10
tỷ số bóng đá /bong-da/livescore.epi 3 301,000 29,287 53 I $0.16
xổ số miền /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-15-11-2024-kqxsmn-15-11-c50730867.epi 3 301,000 29,287 17 I $0.01
báo bóng đá /bong-da-quoc-te.epi 2 165,000 26,730 100 N $0.15
danviet /bao-dan-viet-p149.epi 3 165,000 26,730 61 N $0.17
tien phong /bao-tien-phong-p20.epi 3 165,000 26,730 63 C $0.83
kết quả xổ số miền nam hôm nay /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmn-mien-nam.epi 5 550,000 25,795 74 I $4.64
kqxsmn /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-2-11-2024-kqxsmn-2-11-c50618173.epi 10 2,240,000 25,312 78 I $4.22
kết quả ngoại hạng anh /ket-qua-bong-da-ngoai-hang-anh-man-city-arsenal-cung-thua-liverpool-nguoc-dong-dang-cap-c50620655.epi 5 368,000 24,251 14 I $0.01
xổ số kiến thiết hôm nay /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-3-10-2024-kqxsmn-3-10-c50351061.epi 4 368,000 24,251 39 I $
pháp luật thành phố hồ chí minh /bao-phap-luat-tp-hcm-p114.epi 4 246,000 23,935 43 C $
vietinbank /lai-suat-huy-dong-ngan-hang-vietinbank-trong-thang-11-2024-cao-nhat-van-la-4-8-nam-c50621756.epi 10 673,000 22,747 35 N $0.13
euro 2024 /euro-2024-tag12932.epi 9 1,500,000 22,500 44 C $0.04
bóng đá việt nam /bong-da-viet-nam.epi 2 74,000 22,496 46 I $0.04
giá vàng miếng sjc /tien-ich/gia-vang-sjc.epi 2 74,000 22,496 39 N $0.04
báo tiền phong /bao-tien-phong-p20.epi 3 135,000 21,870 34 N $0.06
giao thông /giao-thong.epi 3 135,000 21,870 33 C $0.03
nld /bao-nguoi-lao-dong-p15.epi 3 135,000 21,870 49 N $0.01
tin thể thao /the-thao.epi 2 135,000 21,870 100 N $0.06
sxmt /tag/SXMT.epi 16 5,000,000 21,500 73 I $3.76
bóng đá /bong-da.epi 6 450,000 21,105 87 N $0.03
giá vàng sjc hôm nay /tien-ich/gia-vang-sjc.epi 6 450,000 21,105 25 N $0.12
xs mien nam /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-15-11-2024-kqxsmn-15-11-c50730867.epi 5 450,000 21,105 81 I $6.13
giá vàng sjc /tien-ich/gia-vang.epi 8 823,000 21,068 41 T $0.07
xổ số phú yên /xspy-28-10-ket-qua-xo-so-phu-yen-hom-nay-ngay-28-10-2024-sxpy-ngay-28-10-sxpy-hom-nay-c50563772.epi 7 823,000 21,068 7 I $0.02
xo so mien nam /xsmn-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-10-10-2024-kqxsmn-10-10-c50414716.epi 10 1,830,000 20,679 47 I $2.85
c1 /ket-qua-cup-c1-chau-au-hom-nay-7-11-barca-thang-lon-psg-thua-atletico-phut-cuoi-c50655311.epi 5 301,000 19,835 17 I $0.04
giá vàng pnj /tien-ich/gia-vang-pnj.epi 4 301,000 19,835 8 N $0.11
lịch vạn niên /tien-ich/lich-van-nien.epi 4 301,000 19,835 12 N $0.03
checker /tin-tuc-24h-qua-su-that-ve-50-nhom-gai-goi-checker-tren-mxh-c49136980.epi 3 201,000 19,557 0 N $0.02
giá vàng bảo tín minh châu /tien-ich/gia-vang-btmc.epi 3 201,000 19,557 2 I $0.47
petrolimex /loi-nhuan-quy-3-petrolimex-thap-do-chi-phi-dau-vao-cao-khi-gia-dau-bien-dong-c50621226.epi 6 201,000 19,557 27 N $0.25
google /toa-an-nga-phat-google-hon-20-trieu-ty-ty-ty-usd-c50602692.epi 62 9,140,000 19,194 100 N $0.19
arsenal /arsenal-tag100.epi 8 550,000 18,590 82 I $0.07
man utd /manchester-united-tag54.epi 9 550,000 18,590 21 I $0.06
tin tức 24h / 7 550,000 18,590 100 N $0.02
xskh /xskh-3-11-ket-qua-xo-so-khanh-hoa-hom-nay-ngay-3-11-2024-sxkh-ngay-3-11-sxkh-hom-nay-c50619158.epi 6 550,000 18,590 14 I $1.36
ngân 98 /dien-mao-ngan-98-sau-3-thang-phau-thuat-tham-my-c50616922.epi 2 60,500 18,392 1 I $
tottenham vs /nhan-dinh-tottenham-vs-aston-villa-21h-ngay-3-11-tai-ngoai-hang-anh-c50621501.epi 3 60,500 18,392 0 I $0.17
dân viet /bao-dan-viet-p149.epi 3 110,000 17,820 72 N $0.01
giá vàng bảo tín minh châu hôm nay /tien-ich/gia-vang-btmc.epi 2 110,000 17,820 2 I $
số miền trung /xsmt-14-10-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-trung-hom-nay-14-10-2024-xsmt-thu-hai-c50439877.epi 5 368,000 17,259 47 I $1.81
gmail /nguoi-dung-gmail-tai-viet-nam-doi-mat-voi-chieu-tro-loi-dung-ai-danh-cap-tai-khoan-c50490441.epi 19 5,000,000 16,500 45 N $0.60
thanhnien /tag/THANHNIEN.epi 9 823,000 16,213 60 N $0.01
tin nhanh / 9 823,000 16,213 100 N $0.01
tin tuc 24h / 9 823,000 16,213 100 N $0.03
xo so mien bac hom nay /tien-ich/ket-qua-xo-so-xsmb-mien-bac.epi 8 823,000 16,213 68 I $2.11
bang xep hang ngoai hang anh /bong-da/bang-xep-hang-ngoai-hang-anh-giai-dau-1.epi 4 246,000 16,211 30 I $0.14
câu lạc bộ bóng đá liverpool /liverpool-tag119.epi 6 246,000 16,211 14 I $0.06
xổ số hôm qua /xsmb-16-11-truc-tiep-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-bac-hom-nay-16-11-2024-xsmb-thu-bay-c50731978.epi 4 246,000 16,211 0 I $1.87
xổ số thứ ba hàng tuần /xsmn-14-10-truc-tiep-ket-qua-xo-so-mien-nam-hom-nay-14-10-2024-xsmn-thu-hai-c50439874.epi 4 246,000 16,211 61 I $

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Baomoi.com?

Baomoi.com ranks for 840,293 keywords, with 3,163 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "xo so mien bac" (83,100,000 monthly searches), "baomoi" (2,740,000 monthly searches), and "vietnamnet" (2,240,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Baomoi.com's strong presence in informational and navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Baomoi.com?

Analysis of Baomoi.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include Vietnam (10,185,722 monthly visitors), Japan (24,291 monthly visitors), and Taiwan (20,352 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Baomoi.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Vietnam.

Who Are Baomoi.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Baomoi.com faces strong competition from baomoi.com (550,658 shared keywords), vnexpress.net (337,408 shared keywords), and tuoitre.vn (307,164 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in baomoi.com and vnexpress.net which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 41.9 for its top competitor, Baomoi.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Baomoi.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Baomoi.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 3,163 keywords in position #1 and 14,776 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 100,956 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Baomoi.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 5,041,716 monthly visitors, Baomoi.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Vietnam and Japan contributes to its global rank of #901. This traffic distribution, combined with 840,293 ranking keywords, positions Baomoi.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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