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Vecteezy.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Vecteezy.com

Comprehensive analysis of Vecteezy.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #508 globally with 8,120,397 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Vecteezy.com

Vecteezy.com has built a robust backlink profile with 188,303 referring domains and 20,096,819 total backlinks. With 75.3% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


75.3% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Vecteezy.com ranks for 58,607 keywords in position #1, and 252,837 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 7 countries, with strongest performance in India and Brazil. This demonstrates Vecteezy.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Vecteezy.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
shutterstock.com 478,863 13.0 289,747
↑191,155 ↓97,196 New 136,382
freepik.com 468,522 16.0 261,178
↑216,506 ↓76,079 New 126,224
adobe.com 422,331 15.6 253,625
↑172,659 ↓77,681 New 125,582
istockphoto.com 389,613 14.7 235,616
↑184,222 ↓61,935 New 99,145
dreamstime.com 358,148 27.7 50,409
↑123,641 ↓94,900 New 113,450
alamy.com 310,443 30.6 25,715
↑91,771 ↓80,192 New 119,734
pixabay.com 290,134 19.7 134,902
↑127,522 ↓65,915 New 64,620
pngtree.com 258,716 35.1 29,204
↑77,774 ↓70,717 New 95,560
unsplash.com 254,636 13.4 172,324
↑135,777 ↓38,627 New 48,391

Top Keywords for Vecteezy.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos 4 2,240,000 147,616 100 N $0.02
sad images pic https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-pic 2 301,000 48,762 12 I $0.01
sad sad photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-love 3 110,000 33,440 10 I $0.01
pic https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/pic 7 823,000 27,817 71 I $0.01
vecteezy https://www.vecteezy.com/ 1 74,000 22,496 54 N $0.02
vector https://www.vecteezy.com/ 2 135,000 21,870 93 I $0.02
png heart https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/heart 3 60,500 18,392 2 I $
red background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/red-background 2 110,000 17,820 0 I $0.01
logo w design https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/w-logo 6 246,000 16,211 0 C $0.07
sad emoji dp https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-emoji 1 49,500 15,048 0 I $
broken heart photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 2 90,500 14,661 1 I $
logo of game https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/gaming-logo 3 110,000 10,703 11 I $0.01
pic sad https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-love 6 301,000 10,173 10 I $0.01
sad picture image https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-love 7 301,000 10,173 12 I $0.01
sad pictures https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-pic 6 301,000 10,173 7 I $0.01
redbus https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/23902894-london-red-bus-vector-illustration-isolated-on-white-background 92 5,000,000 9,870 58 N $0.06
cute lady anime https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/cute-anime-girl 2 60,500 9,801 2 I $0.01
png logo youtube https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/youtube-logo 3 60,500 9,801 10 N $0.01
teddy images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/teddy-bears 2 60,500 9,801 0 I $0.02
3d w https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/3d-w 7 201,000 9,426 4 C $0.10
xxvidoe 2023 logo design https://www.vecteezy.com/free-videos/2023-logo 5 201,000 9,426 0 C $
photoshoot background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/photo-shoot-background 9 450,000 8,865 0 I $0.19
break heart pic https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 4 90,500 8,805 0 I $
broken heart pics https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 5 90,500 8,805 1 I $
image broken heart https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 5 90,500 8,805 0 I $
logo s design https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/s-logo 8 246,000 8,314 0 I $0.07
eagles logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/eagle-logo 2 27,100 8,238 0 I $0.04
friendship logos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/friendship-logo 1 27,100 8,238 0 I $0.01
mehandi photos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/mehandi 7 165,000 7,738 0 C $
cute stickers https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/cute-stickers 5 110,000 7,249 0 C $0.02
green bg https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/green-screen-background 4 110,000 7,249 11 N $0.02
reddish background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/red-background 4 110,000 7,249 0 I $0.01
fire video free https://www.vecteezy.com/free-videos/fire 3 74,000 7,200 0 C $0.22
pic cartoon https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/lovely-cartoon 4 74,000 7,200 33 I $0.01
wallpaper https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/wallpaper-hd 100 3,350,000 7,035 45 I $0.01
drawing for engineer https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/engineer-drawing 1 22,200 6,748 6 I $0.01
logo s png https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/letter-s 1 22,200 6,748 0 I $0.17
background vector art https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 3 40,500 6,561 17 I $0.67
background vector design https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 2 40,500 6,561 19 I $0.67
graphic vector background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 3 40,500 6,561 16 I $0.67
vector design background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 2 40,500 6,561 18 I $0.67
vector images background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 3 40,500 6,561 18 I $0.67
vectors background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/background 2 40,500 6,561 17 I $0.67
anime photos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/anime 5 135,000 6,331 15 I $0.01
heartbroken pic https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 4 90,500 5,963 2 I $
instagram logo png https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/instagram 5 90,500 5,963 10 I $0.04
xmastree drawing https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/christmas-tree-drawing 4 90,500 5,963 0 I $0.01
jesus pictures images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/jesus 10 301,000 5,929 1 I $0.01
pic for jesus https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/jesus 9 301,000 5,929 1 I $0.01
abstract background background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/abstract-background 4 60,500 5,886 13 I $0.61
call logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/call-logo 4 60,500 5,886 0 I $0.01
cartoon couple photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-couple-cartoon 4 60,500 5,886 0 I $0.01
mp4 movies https://www.vecteezy.com/free-videos/mp4-video-movies 44 2,740,000 5,754 12 I $0.55
love photos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love 6 165,000 5,577 25 I $0.01
mehandi pic https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/mehandi 6 165,000 5,577 1 C $
break up pictures https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-breakup 1 18,100 5,502 1 I $0.01
dj logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/dj-logo 2 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.02
kerala ladies photos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/kerala-girl 1 18,100 5,502 0 T $
loving cartoon couple https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-couple-cartoon 2 33,100 5,362 0 I $
alone picture https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/alone-sad 5 110,000 5,159 8 I $
cartoon character https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/cartoon-character 7 110,000 5,159 6 I $0.01
cat image https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/cat 5 110,000 5,159 34 I $0.01
image alone https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/alone-sad 5 110,000 5,159 8 I $
white background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/white-background 15 1,000,000 5,100 34 I $0.04
flower in image https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/flower 10 450,000 5,085 44 I $0.04
zooming earth https://www.vecteezy.com/free-videos/earth-zoom 12 450,000 5,085 35 I $0.02
designs and borders https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/free-vector-border-designs 13 550,000 5,005 5 I $0.01
goggles logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/glasses-logo 5 74,000 4,876 0 T $0.07
png happy birthday https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/happy-birthday 4 74,000 4,876 0 I $0.02
advocate logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/advocate-logo 4 49,500 4,816 0 N $0.01
cartoon https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/cartoon 55 2,240,000 4,704 63 I $0.03
milan night https://www.vecteezy.com/free-videos/milan-night 59 2,240,000 4,704 0 C $0.04
xxn https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/9020482-xxn-logo-xxn-letter-xxn-letter-logo-design-initials-xxn-logo-linked-with-circle-and-uppercase-monogram-logo-xxn-typography-for-technology-business-and-real-estate-brand 99 2,240,000 4,704 0 N $0.01
sad sad images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-pic 9 301,000 4,515 11 I $0.01
breakup photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-breakup 1 14,800 4,499 0 I $0.01
images of love break up https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-breakup 1 14,800 4,499 0 I $
love breakup photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-breakup 1 14,800 4,499 0 C $
cute vinayagar images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/cute-ganesha 2 27,100 4,390 0 I $0.02
vectors images https://www.vecteezy.com/ 2 27,100 4,390 100 I $0.18
heart breaking images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/broken-heart 5 90,500 4,244 3 I $
ig logo png https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/instagram 6 90,500 4,244 9 I $0.04
vinayaka pics https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/lord-vinayaka 5 90,500 4,244 0 I $0.03
wallpaper download r https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/letter-r 6 90,500 4,244 0 I $0.01
x mas tree drawing https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/christmas-tree-drawing 7 90,500 4,244 0 I $0.01
xxvidoe 2024 logo design https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/2024-logo 5 90,500 4,244 0 T $
love is photos https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love 7 165,000 4,224 23 I $0.01
love this photo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love 8 165,000 4,224 26 C $0.01
couple image cartoon https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-couple-cartoon 5 60,500 3,986 0 I $0.01
images of teddy bear https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/teddy-bears 4 60,500 3,986 0 T $0.02
png shapes https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/shapes 4 60,500 3,986 0 I $0.04
xxvidoe 2024 logo design template https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/2024-logo 4 60,500 3,986 0 T $0.93
gr symbol https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/gr-logo 4 40,500 3,940 0 I $
background https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/background 54 1,830,000 3,843 60 I $0.02
dog pictures images https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/dog 6 110,000 3,718 27 C $0.01
images dog https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/dog 6 110,000 3,718 27 I $0.01
pic of alone https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/alone-sad 6 110,000 3,718 9 I $
islamic logo https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/islamic-logo 1 12,100 3,678 0 N $0.01
sad picture of love https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/sad-love 1 12,100 3,678 2 T $
v png https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/letter-v 1 12,100 3,678 0 I $
cartoon pic love https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/love-couple-cartoon 3 22,200 3,596 0 I $

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Vecteezy.com?

Vecteezy.com ranks for 8,120,397 keywords, with 58,607 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "photo" (2,240,000 monthly searches), "sad images pic" (301,000 monthly searches), and "sad sad photo" (110,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Vecteezy.com's strong presence in navigational and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Vecteezy.com?

Analysis of Vecteezy.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 7 countries. The top markets include India (5,383,437 monthly visitors), Brazil (2,800,105 monthly visitors), and United States (1,738,444 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Vecteezy.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in India.

Who Are Vecteezy.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Vecteezy.com faces strong competition from vecteezy.com (523,645 shared keywords), shutterstock.com (478,863 shared keywords), and freepik.com (468,522 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in vecteezy.com and shutterstock.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 34.4 for its top competitor, Vecteezy.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Vecteezy.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Vecteezy.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 58,607 keywords in position #1 and 252,837 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 1,416,376 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Vecteezy.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 8,586,133 monthly visitors, Vecteezy.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in India and Brazil contributes to its global rank of #508. This traffic distribution, combined with 8,120,397 ranking keywords, positions Vecteezy.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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