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Interia.pl Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Interia.pl

Comprehensive analysis of Interia.pl's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #525 globally with 915,062 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Interia.pl

Interia.pl has built a robust backlink profile with 50,757 referring domains and 42,858,838 total backlinks. With 83.8% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


83.8% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Interia.pl ranks for 36,988 keywords in position #1, and 21,938 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 10 countries, with strongest performance in Poland and Germany. This demonstrates Interia.pl's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Interia.pl

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
onet.pl 405,455 32.7 109,472
↑91,771 ↓122,104 New 147,348
wp.pl 365,719 36.3 75,224
↑85,010 ↓109,768 New 142,557
allegro.pl 356,823 27.9 94,526
↑9,872 ↓9,674 New 334,560
tvn24.pl 225,802 34.4 59,917
↑47,403 ↓64,373 New 93,681
gazeta.pl 217,213 48.2 17,239
↑52,543 ↓60,452 New 93,847
naszemiasto.pl 215,765 45.8 18,668
↑30,365 ↓36,304 New 141,455
wyborcza.pl 189,122 48.7 14,166
↑42,620 ↓52,089 New 86,644
tvp.pl 184,840 36.8 44,528
↑35,068 ↓46,509 New 89,024
eska.pl 178,843 44.5 21,795
↑31,010 ↓52,180 New 87,753

Top Keywords for Interia.pl

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
pogoda https://pogoda.interia.pl/ 1 24,900,000 7,569,600 100 I $0.22
interia https://www.interia.pl/ 1 20,400,000 6,201,600 19 N $0.33
pogoda jutro https://pogoda.interia.pl/pogoda-jutro-dobra,cId,2510163 1 6,120,000 1,860,480 73 I $0.13
poczta interia https://poczta.interia.pl/logowanie/ 1 2,740,000 832,960 25 N $0.41
pogoda warszawa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 1 2,740,000 832,960 93 I $0.12
pogoda kraków https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-krakow,cId,4970 1 1,830,000 556,320 98 I $0.10
pogoda wrocław https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-wroclaw,cId,39240 1 1,500,000 456,000 60 I $0.19
iga świątek https://sport.interia.pl/iga-swiatek/news-swiatek-stracila-numer-jeden-juz-teraz-absurdalna-sytuacja-s,nId,7839873 3 823,000 250,192 73 I $0.09
pogoda gdańsk https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gdansk,cId,8048 1 823,000 250,192 55 I $0.19
pogoda interia https://pogoda.interia.pl/ 1 823,000 250,192 100 N $0.31
pogoda lublin https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-lublin,cId,19393 1 823,000 250,192 56 I $0.17
pogoda na 10 dni https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 1 823,000 250,192 98 I $0.14
pogoda długoterminowa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 2 1,500,000 243,000 98 I $0.22
pogoda szczecin https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-szczecin,cId,34668 1 673,000 204,592 89 I $0.26
czateria https://czateria.interia.pl/ 1 550,000 167,200 4 N $0.58
pogoda bydgoszcz https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bydgoszcz,cId,3696 1 550,000 167,200 21 I $0.24
pogoda katowice https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-katowice,cId,13095 1 550,000 167,200 31 I $0.11
pogoda kielce https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-kielce,cId,13378 1 550,000 167,200 71 I $0.24
pogoda knurów https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-knurow,cId,13924 1 550,000 167,200 0 I $0.21
pogoda krakow https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-krakow,cId,4970 1 550,000 167,200 98 I $0.21
pogoda lodz https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-lodz,cId,19059 1 550,000 167,200 52 I $0.17
pogoda rzeszów https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-rzeszow,cId,30389 1 550,000 167,200 37 I $0.12
pogoda zakopane https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zakopane,cId,40219 1 550,000 167,200 45 I $0.02
pogoda: białystok https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bialystok,cId,1197 1 550,000 167,200 36 I $0.28
pogoda gdynia https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gdynia,cId,8052 1 450,000 136,800 65 I $0.18
pogoda radom https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-radom,cId,28528 1 450,000 136,800 38 I $0.21
pogoda łódź https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-lodz,cId,19059 1 450,000 136,800 52 I $0.16
pogoda częstochowa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-czestochowa,cId,5508 1 368,000 111,872 35 I $0.02
pogoda olsztyn https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-olsztyn,cId,24210 1 368,000 111,872 17 I $
pogoda opole https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-opole,cId,24308 1 368,000 111,872 67 I $0.24
pogoda toruń https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-torun,cId,35707 1 368,000 111,872 35 I $0.27
prognoza pogody https://pogoda.interia.pl/ 1 368,000 111,872 100 N $0.22
tenis https://sport.interia.pl/tenis/news-tuz-przed-meczem-ze-swiatek-wylozyla-cala-prawde-leki-i-depr,nId,7856274 3 673,000 109,026 86 I $0.11
pogoda gliwice https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gliwice,cId,8369 1 301,000 91,504 3 I $0.29
pogoda rybnik https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-rybnik,cId,30092 1 301,000 91,504 3 I $0.15
pogoda sosnowiec https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-sosnowiec,cId,32574 1 301,000 91,504 11 I $0.11
pogoda wroclaw https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-wroclaw,cId,39240 1 301,000 91,504 48 I $0.07
pogoda bielsko https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bielsko-biala,cId,1359 1 246,000 74,784 15 I $
pogoda gdansk https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gdansk,cId,8048 1 246,000 74,784 55 I $0.15
pogoda kołobrzeg https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-kolobrzeg,cId,14259 1 246,000 74,784 40 I $0.06
pogoda tarnów https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-tarnow,cId,35360 1 246,000 74,784 0 I $0.19
interia wiadomości https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/ 1 201,000 61,104 65 N $0.05
interia.pl poczta https://poczta.interia.pl/logowanie/ 1 201,000 61,104 37 N $0.26
pogoda bytom https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bytom,cId,3781 1 201,000 61,104 5 I $
pogoda kalisz https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-kalisz,cId,12482 1 201,000 61,104 10 I $0.19
pogoda koszalin https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-koszalin,cId,15719 1 201,000 61,104 13 I $0.20
pogoda siedlce https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-siedlce,cId,30948 1 201,000 61,104 6 I $0.20
pogoda tychy https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-tychy,cId,36326 1 201,000 61,104 6 I $0.10
pogoda zabrze https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zabrze,cId,39958 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.16
pogoda zielona góra https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zielona-gora,cId,41517 1 201,000 61,104 17 I $
swiatek https://sport.interia.pl/iga-swiatek/news-swiatek-stracila-numer-jeden-juz-teraz-absurdalna-sytuacja-s,nId,7839873 3 201,000 61,104 25 I $0.18
fc barcelona https://sport.interia.pl/primera-division/news-szczesny-wyszedl-na-boisko-barcelona-natychmiast-reaguje-pie,nId,7839815 7 1,220,000 57,218 70 I $0.28
olx https://biznes.interia.pl/finanse/news-olx-allegro-i-vinted-wysla-dane-do-skarbowki-efekt-unijnej-d,nId,7836901 19 16,600,000 54,780 59 N $1.04
pogoda gniezno https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gniezno,cId,8549 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $
pogoda jaworzno https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-jaworzno,cId,11698 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.07
pogoda konin https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-konin,cId,15221 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.04
pogoda legnica https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-legnica,cId,18186 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $
pogoda mielec https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-mielec,cId,21131 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.08
pogoda płock https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-plock,cId,26280 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.06
pogoda sopot https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-sopot,cId,32529 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.04
pogoda zamość https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zamosc,cId,40529 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.23
euro 2024 https://sport.interia.pl/pilka-nozna/euro-2024 10 2,740,000 41,100 41 I $0.06
pogoda bielsko-biała https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bielsko-biala,cId,1359 1 135,000 41,040 26 I $0.41
pogoda chorzów https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-chorzow,cId,4337 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.05
pogoda dąbrowa górnicza https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-dabrowa-gornicza,cId,5717 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.13
pogoda elblÄ…g https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-elblag,cId,7446 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $
pogoda grudziÄ…dz https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-grudziadz,cId,9936 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.25
pogoda inowrocław https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-inowroclaw,cId,10726 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $
pogoda jelenia góra https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-jelenia-gora,cId,11818 1 135,000 41,040 16 I $
pogoda krosno https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-krosno,cId,16544 1 135,000 41,040 13 I $0.32
pogoda leszno https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-leszno,cId,18480 1 135,000 41,040 2 I $
pogoda lubin https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-lubin,cId,19366 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.32
pogoda ruda śląska https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-ruda-slaska,cId,29720 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $
pogoda stargard https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-stargard,cId,33029 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.02
pogoda słupsk https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-slupsk,cId,32023 1 135,000 41,040 2 I $0.24
pogoda włocławek https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-wloclawek,cId,38207 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.12
pogoda świnoujście https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-swinoujscie,cId,34454 1 135,000 41,040 15 I $0.03
wydarzenia z ostatniej chwili https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/ 1 135,000 41,040 100 N $0.05
pogoda dzisiaj https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-szczegolowa-warszawa,cId,36917 2 246,000 39,852 100 N $
pogoda dziÅ› https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-szczegolowa-warszawa,cId,36917 2 246,000 39,852 97 I $
skoki narciarskie https://sport.interia.pl/skoki-narciarskie/news-wielki-powrot-malysza-na-skocznie-polak-potwierdza-to-tylko-,nId,7839662 5 368,000 35,806 66 C $0.25
allegro https://biznes.interia.pl/gospodarka/news-allegro-olx-i-amazon-wycofuja-produkt-zawiadomienie-juz-w-pr,nId,7856208 25 16,600,000 34,860 34 N $0.07
iga https://sport.interia.pl/iga-swiatek/news-swiatek-stracila-numer-jeden-juz-teraz-absurdalna-sytuacja-s,nId,7839873 3 110,000 33,440 31 I $0.26
pogoda bochnia https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-bochnia,cId,1812 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.02
pogoda gorzów https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-gorzow-wielkopolski,cId,9148 1 110,000 33,440 18 I $
pogoda karpacz https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-karpacz,cId,12958 1 110,000 33,440 19 I $0.01
pogoda nysa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-nysa,cId,23649 1 110,000 33,440 7 I $0.17
pogoda ostrołęka https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-ostroleka,cId,24705 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.02
pogoda ostrów wielkopolski https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-ostrow-wielkopolski,cId,24760 1 110,000 33,440 1 I $0.08
pogoda piła https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-pila,cId,25946 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.25
pogoda przemyśl https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-przemysl,cId,27794 1 110,000 33,440 3 I $
pogoda suwałki https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-suwalki,cId,34166 1 110,000 33,440 16 I $0.03
pogoda ustka https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-ustka,cId,36649 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $
pogoda władysławowo https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-wladyslawowo,cId,38192 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $
pogoda żory https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zory,cId,41803 1 110,000 33,440 5 I $
pogoda żywiec https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-zywiec,cId,42086 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $
prognoz długoterminowa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 1 110,000 33,440 100 I $0.08
prognoza pogody warszawa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 1 110,000 33,440 100 N $0.42
iga swiatek https://sport.interia.pl/iga-swiatek/news-swiatek-stracila-numer-jeden-juz-teraz-absurdalna-sytuacja-s,nId,7839873 4 201,000 32,562 73 I $0.44
warszawa https://pogoda.interia.pl/prognoza-dlugoterminowa-warszawa,cId,36917 11 673,000 31,563 100 C $0.58

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Interia.pl?

Interia.pl ranks for 915,062 keywords, with 36,988 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "pogoda" (24,900,000 monthly searches), "interia" (20,400,000 monthly searches), and "pogoda jutro" (6,120,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Interia.pl's strong presence in informational and navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Interia.pl?

Analysis of Interia.pl's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 10 countries. The top markets include Poland (28,667,311 monthly visitors), Germany (471,844 monthly visitors), and United Kingdom (423,222 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Interia.pl's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Poland.

Who Are Interia.pl's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Interia.pl faces strong competition from interia.pl (741,819 shared keywords), onet.pl (405,455 shared keywords), and wp.pl (365,719 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in interia.pl and onet.pl which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 39.0 for its top competitor, Interia.pl maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Interia.pl's Search Engine Visibility?

Interia.pl's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 36,988 keywords in position #1 and 21,938 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 151,513 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Interia.pl's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 8,370,240 monthly visitors, Interia.pl demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Poland and Germany contributes to its global rank of #525. This traffic distribution, combined with 915,062 ranking keywords, positions Interia.pl as a significant player in the digital space.

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