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Rozetka.com.ua Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Rozetka.com.ua

Comprehensive analysis of Rozetka.com.ua's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #513 globally with 4,963,691 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Rozetka.com.ua

Rozetka.com.ua has built a robust backlink profile with 16,864 referring domains and 4,250,578 total backlinks. With 75.2% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


75.2% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Rozetka.com.ua ranks for 471,355 keywords in position #1, and 490,818 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 9 countries, with strongest performance in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. This demonstrates Rozetka.com.ua's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Rozetka.com.ua

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
prom.ua 2,499,739 17.6 1,239,200
↑27,886 ↓33,599 New 2,423,767
epicentrk.ua 1,812,588 27.5 502,463
↑465,442 ↓383,429 New 809,445
bigl.ua 1,322,258 31.3 190,182
↑5,828 ↓4,371 New 1,310,435
shafa.ua 1,320,040 31.4 296,519
↑5,235 ↓4,488 New 1,308,474
ozon.ru 1,315,017 51.2 14,361
↑508,928 ↓332,143 New 445,023
aliexpress.ru 977,347 43.2 40,834
↑194,003 ↓165,310 New 598,453
yandex.ru 702,908 56.2 10,767
↑122,703 ↓72,213 New 499,323
allo.ua 627,579 34.2 122,090
↑6,988 ↓7,468 New 611,499
zakupka.com 610,679 36.2 34,732
↑18,222 ↓9,957 New 580,678

Top Keywords for Rozetka.com.ua

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
розетка / 3 1,830,000 422,803 14 T $0.04
переводчик /elektronnye-perevodchiki/c80074/ 8 13,600,000 267,920 67 I $0.08
розетка /ua/promo/bigalcosale 2 1,830,000 130,113 14 T $0.04
rozetka / 4 450,000 103,968 49 N $0.05
магазин /ua/ 4 246,000 74,784 35 I $0.06
магазина /ua/ 4 246,000 74,784 38 I $0.06
сінсей /ua/producer/sinsay/ 2 450,000 72,900 0 T $0.05
телефона /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/ 1 201,000 61,104 24 I $0.17
телефону /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/ 1 201,000 61,104 14 I $0.17
пог /363913263/p363913263/ 20 24,900,000 59,760 46 I $0.08
пого /ua/250833221/p250833221/ 31 24,900,000 52,290 100 I $0.08
мейкап /producer/makeup-revolution/ 6 1,220,000 52,068 11 I $0.18
перекладач /ua/elektronnye-perevodchiki/c80074/ 14 9,140,000 51,184 45 I $0.07
ноутбук /ua/notebooks/c80004/ 1 135,000 41,040 41 T $0.35
магазині /ua/contacts/ 5 246,000 39,852 12 I $0.06
планшет /ua/tablets/c130309/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 T $0.19
розетка юа / 1 110,000 33,440 18 N $0.05
телефони /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/ 2 201,000 32,562 0 C $0.17
олх /rasprodaja/c83850/ 12 4,090,000 30,675 47 I $0.10
генератор /ua/generators/c152564/ 1 90,500 27,512 8 T $0.39
картина по номерам /kartini-po-nomeram/c4668751/ 1 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.16
холодильника https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/refrigerators/c80125/ 1 90,500 27,512 7 C $0.30
синсей /ua/producer/sinsay/ 5 165,000 26,730 0 T $0.04
купити телефони /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/ 2 110,000 25,414 3 T $0.28
купить телефон /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/ 3 110,000 25,414 15 T $0.28
календар 2024 /ua/kalendari/c4625493/ 4 246,000 23,935 10 I $0.02
електровелосипед /ua/elektrovelosipedy/c4627631/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 C $0.10
електросамокат /ua/elektrosamokati/c4657382/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 C $0.16
клавиатура https://hard.rozetka.com.ua/ua/keyboards/c80171/ 2 74,000 22,496 15 T $0.06
кондиционер https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/air_conditioners/c80133/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 C $0.37
кондиціонер https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/air_conditioners/c80133/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 C $0.37
наушники /ua/headphones/c80027/ 1 74,000 22,496 6 T $0.14
продукти /ua/produkty/c4624997/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 I $0.14
продукты /produkty/c4624997/ 4 74,000 22,496 11 I $0.14
рюкзак /ua/ryukzaki4630377/c4630377/ 1 74,000 22,496 0 T $0.33
рюкзаки /ua/ryukzaki4630377/c4630377/ 1 74,000 22,496 16 C $0.33
пандора /ua/jewerly/c723119/producer=pandora/ 2 135,000 21,870 4 N $0.06
резервед /ua/section/verhnjaja-odezhda/producer=reserved/ 2 135,000 21,870 0 I $0.04
щоденник /ua/dnevniki/c3563536/ 2 135,000 21,870 55 C $0.07
дніпро м /ua/2577232/c2577232/producer=dnipro_m/ 3 201,000 19,557 10 C $0.08
яка /ua/kosmetika/c2324702/producer=yaka/ 7 550,000 18,590 0 I $0.13
аерогриль https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/airgrills/c81089/ 1 60,500 18,392 0 T $0.17
аккумулятор /ua/avtomobilnie-akkumulyatori/c4644136/ 1 60,500 18,392 2 T $0.15
блендер https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/blenders/c80155/ 1 60,500 18,392 0 I $0.24
велосипеда /ua/bicycles/c83884/ 1 60,500 18,392 6 C $0.09
наушники беспроводные /headphones/c80027/21079=2731/ 1 60,500 18,392 41 T $0.21
протеин /ua/protein/c273294/ 1 60,500 18,392 0 T $0.26
телевизор /ua/all-tv/c80037/ 1 60,500 18,392 8 T $0.26
зара /ua/1162060/c1162060/producer=zara/ 2 110,000 17,820 12 C $0.13
рулетка /ua/ruletki-4672258/c4672258/ 2 110,000 17,820 6 C $0.10
рівень /ua/urovni-stroitelnie/c4672273/ 2 110,000 17,820 0 I $0.08
live ball /300537963/p300537963/ 5 368,000 17,259 7 C $0.14
зарядна станція /ua/zaryadnie-stantsii-4674585/c4674585/ 5 74,000 17,096 3 T $0.35
кондиционеры https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/air_conditioners/c80133/ 1 74,000 17,096 3 I $0.37
календарь 2024 /kalendari/c4625493/ 5 246,000 16,211 0 I $0.02
білий фон /ua/backgrounds/c160624/24265=beliy/ 2 49,500 15,048 0 I $0.03
зарядная станция /zaryadnie-stantsii-4674585/c4674585/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 T $0.28
игрушка /ua/detskie-igrushki/c4265805/ 2 49,500 15,048 4 C $0.09
карти таро /ua/karti-taro/c4633353/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 C $0.13
кроссовки мужские /mugskie-krossovki/c4634865/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 C $0.26
машинка /ua/igrushechnye-mashinki-i-tehnika/c102003/ 2 49,500 15,048 0 T $0.03
машинка для стрижки https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/hairclippers/c81229/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 C $0.23
машинку /ua/igrushechnye-mashinki-i-tehnika/c102003/ 2 49,500 15,048 0 C $0.03
плейстейшен 5 /ua/consoles/c80020/platforma=playstation-5/ 1 49,500 15,048 4 C $0.17
смарт годинник /ua/smartwatch/c651392/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 T $0.17
смарт годинники /ua/smartwatch/c651392/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 C $0.17
телефоны самсунг /mobile-phones/c80003/producer=samsung/ 1 49,500 15,048 32 T $0.26
футболку /ua/mugskie-futbolki/c4637839/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 I $0.22
шуруповерт /ua/shurupoverty-i-elektrootvertki/c152499/ 1 49,500 15,048 0 T $0.17
ecoflow /ua/zaryadnie-stantsii-4674585/c4674585/producer=ecoflow/ 2 90,500 14,661 18 T $0.39
вентилятор https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/fans/c80186/ 2 90,500 14,661 12 T $0.14
самсунг /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/producer=samsung/ 2 90,500 14,661 10 C $0.34
холодильник https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/refrigerators/c80125/ 2 90,500 14,661 11 C $0.30
кроссовки /ua/mugskie-krossovki/c4634865/ 2 60,500 13,977 0 C $0.21
телевізор /ua/all-tv/c80037/ 2 60,500 13,977 3 T $0.26
rozetka /ua/promo/bigalcosale 3 450,000 13,500 49 N $0.05
адвент календар /ua/section/advent-kalendari/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.11
бассейн https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/basseyny/c3700571/ 6 40,500 12,312 0 C $0.16
кофемашина https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/coffee_machines/c80164/ 1 40,500 12,312 14 T $0.27
кроссовки женская /genskie-krossovki/c4634473/ 2 40,500 12,312 0 C $0.18
кроссовки женские /genskie-krossovki/c4634473/ 1 40,500 12,312 1 C $0.18
купити айфон /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/producer=apple/ 1 40,500 12,312 4 T $0.32
купити планшет /ua/tablets/c130309/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.27
купить машинки /ua/igrushechnye-mashinki-i-tehnika/c102003/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.08
купить планшет /ua/tablets/c130309/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.27
монитор https://hard.rozetka.com.ua/ua/monitors/c80089/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.14
мультиварка https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/ua/multivarki/c112986/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.15
навушники /ua/headphones/c80027/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 T $0.15
настільні ігри /ua/nastoljnye-igry-i-golovolomki/c98280/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 C $0.09
роз /sagentsi-roz/c4638567/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 I $0.10
роутер /ua/routers/c80193/ 1 40,500 12,312 11 T $0.15
стиральная машина https://bt.rozetka.com.ua/washing_machines/c80124/ 1 40,500 12,312 0 C $0.31
кава /ua/koffee/c4625011/ 2 74,000 11,988 0 C $0.32
каву /ua/koffee/c4625011/ 3 74,000 11,988 0 I $0.32
samsung /ua/mobile-phones/c80003/producer=samsung/ 4 90,500 11,435 34 N $0.48
роблокс /figures/c99253/producer=roblox/ 11 1,220,000 11,102 56 I $0.02
reserved /ua/section/verhnjaja-odezhda/producer=reserved/ 4 165,000 10,873 2 N $0.03
дип стейт /karti/c4648126/producer=deepstate/ 8 550,000 10,835 42 C $0.50
головоломки /golovolomki/c4671526/ 3 110,000 10,703 0 C $0.12
некст /ua/detskaya-odegda/c4633561/producer=next/ 4 135,000 10,639 0 C $0.10

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Rozetka.com.ua?

Rozetka.com.ua ranks for 4,963,691 keywords, with 471,355 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "розетка" (1,830,000 monthly searches), "переводчик" (13,600,000 monthly searches), and "розетка" (1,830,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Rozetka.com.ua's strong presence in transactional and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Rozetka.com.ua?

Analysis of Rozetka.com.ua's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 9 countries. The top markets include Ukraine (22,638,439 monthly visitors), Kazakhstan (55,383 monthly visitors), and United States (7,087 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Rozetka.com.ua's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Ukraine.

Who Are Rozetka.com.ua's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Rozetka.com.ua faces strong competition from rozetka.com.ua (2,999,995 shared keywords), prom.ua (2,499,739 shared keywords), and epicentrk.ua (1,812,588 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in rozetka.com.ua and prom.ua which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 22.3 for its top competitor, Rozetka.com.ua maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Rozetka.com.ua's Search Engine Visibility?

Rozetka.com.ua's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 471,355 keywords in position #1 and 490,818 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 1,976,225 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Rozetka.com.ua's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 8,510,808 monthly visitors, Rozetka.com.ua demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Ukraine and Kazakhstan contributes to its global rank of #513. This traffic distribution, combined with 4,963,691 ranking keywords, positions Rozetka.com.ua as a significant player in the digital space.

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