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Sirogohan.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Sirogohan.com

Comprehensive analysis of Sirogohan.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #692 globally with 266,371 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Sirogohan.com

Sirogohan.com has built a robust backlink profile with 3,483 referring domains and 84,096 total backlinks. With 81.5% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


81.5% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Sirogohan.com ranks for 12,927 keywords in position #1, and 14,282 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 9 countries, with strongest performance in Japan and South Korea. This demonstrates Sirogohan.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Sirogohan.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
cookpad.com 259,694 6.7 226,587
↑25,713 ↓19,578 New 163,160
rakuten.co.jp 259,533 16.3 124,406
↑53,707 ↓75,758 New 85,987
delishkitchen.tv 248,043 12.4 176,414
↑60,726 ↓58,559 New 41,883
kurashiru.com 243,899 18.3 130,720
↑64,485 ↓66,594 New 52,478
oceans-nadia.com 235,048 18.1 117,382
↑72,262 ↓51,500 New 64,886
macaro-ni.jp 227,354 28.3 68,638
↑53,746 ↓87,625 New 55,024
ameblo.jp 204,026 42.4 15,235
↑51,729 ↓34,639 New 111,151
kyounoryouri.jp 196,581 29.8 52,357
↑48,992 ↓60,910 New 62,559
yahoo.co.jp 195,495 41.2 31,015
↑29,231 ↓53,635 New 102,840

Top Keywords for Sirogohan.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
ご飯 https://www.sirogohan.com/gohan/A1/ 2 5,000,000 810,000 9 I $0.20
逃歐 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyouza/ 1 1,220,000 370,880 33 I $0.15
牛䞌 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 1 1,000,000 304,000 43 I $0.15
ăƒăƒłăƒăƒŒă‚° https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hanba-gu/ 2 1,500,000 243,000 22 I $0.14
おんぷら https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/tenpura/ 1 673,000 204,592 8 I $0.15
怩ぷら https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/tenpura/ 1 673,000 204,592 18 I $0.15
おでん https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/oden/ 1 550,000 167,200 27 C $0.11
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” ăƒăƒłăƒăƒŒă‚° https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hanba-gu/ 1 450,000 136,800 23 I $0.13
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ă€€ăƒăƒłăƒăƒŒă‚° https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hanba-gu/ 1 450,000 136,800 24 C $0.13
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ăƒăƒłăƒăƒŒă‚° https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hanba-gu/ 1 450,000 136,800 24 I $0.13
炒飯 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/cha-han/ 1 450,000 136,800 8 T $0.16
ă™ăç„Œă https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/sukiyaki/ 1 368,000 111,872 17 I $0.13
䞌 ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” 牛肉 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 2 368,000 111,872 2 I $0.15
ç‰›äžŒăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 2 368,000 111,872 11 C $0.15
ă‚Șăƒ ăƒ©ă‚€ă‚č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/omuraisukihon/ 3 823,000 80,077 17 I $0.19
ă‚†ă§ć” 時間 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/yudetamago/ 1 246,000 74,784 12 I $0.02
ă‚ŽăƒŒăƒ€ăƒŒăƒăƒŁăƒłăƒ—ăƒ« https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/go-yachan/ 1 246,000 74,784 25 I $0.05
憷 し äž­èŻ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hiyasichuuka/ 2 246,000 74,784 1 I $0.06
ć†·ă‚„ă—äž­èŻ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hiyasichuuka/ 1 246,000 74,784 2 I $0.06
ăƒăƒłăƒăƒŒă‚° ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hanba-gu/ 2 450,000 72,900 24 I $0.13
さばぼ摳晌煼 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/sabamisoni/ 1 201,000 61,104 21 I $0.08
たけぼこご飯 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/takenokogohan/ 1 201,000 61,104 5 I $0.10
ă‚†ă§ć” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/yudetamago/ 1 201,000 61,104 24 I $0.03
ă‚Șăƒ ăƒ©ă‚€ă‚č ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/omuraisukihon/ 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.02
ナポăƒȘタン https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/naporitan/ 1 201,000 61,104 15 I $0.07
摳晌煼鯖 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/sabamisoni/ 1 201,000 61,104 15 I $0.08
筍ごはん https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/takenokogohan/ 1 201,000 61,104 5 I $0.10
筍ご飯 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/takenokogohan/ 1 201,000 61,104 8 I $0.10
豚䞌 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butadon/ 1 201,000 61,104 15 I $0.13
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” 牛䞌 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 3 368,000 59,616 11 I $0.15
牛䞌 ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 2 368,000 59,616 10 I $0.15
ç‰›äžŒăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/gyuudon/ 2 368,000 59,616 2 I $0.15
し じき た 煟物 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hijiki/ 1 165,000 50,160 6 C $0.06
べうもろこし ゆでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/toumorokosi/ 1 165,000 50,160 1 I $0.02
べうもろこしèŒčでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/toumorokosi/ 1 165,000 50,160 1 I $0.02
ăČじきを煼る https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hijiki/ 2 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.06
ă‚†ă§ć” äœœă‚Šæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/yudetamago/ 1 165,000 50,160 6 I $0.02
ă‚łăƒ­ăƒƒă‚± https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/korokke/ 1 165,000 50,160 24 C $0.14
ăƒˆă‚Šăƒąăƒ­ă‚łă‚· èŒčでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/toumorokosi/ 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.02
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ăƒŠăƒăƒȘタン https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/naporitan/ 2 165,000 50,160 9 I $0.10
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ç„Œăă†ă©ă‚“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/yakiudon/ 2 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.07
性æ čず è±šăƒăƒ© https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butabaradaikon/ 2 165,000 50,160 10 I $0.06
ç„Œăă†ă©ă‚“ăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/yakiudon/ 2 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.07
煟物 ăČじき https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hijiki/ 1 165,000 50,160 5 I $0.06
筑才煼 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/tikuzenni/ 1 165,000 50,160 12 I $0.05
èŒčでæ–čべうもろこし https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/toumorokosi/ 1 165,000 50,160 5 I $0.02
è±šăƒăƒ©ăšć€§æ č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butabaradaikon/ 2 165,000 50,160 2 I $0.06
è±šäžŒăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butadon/ 2 165,000 50,160 0 C $0.13
里芋 ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/satoimo/ 2 165,000 50,160 2 I $0.16
ăƒ”ăƒŒăƒžăƒłăźè‚‰è©°ă‚ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/pi-mannikudume/ 2 301,000 48,762 1 I $0.03
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 2 301,000 48,762 30 I $0.13
ć€©äžŒ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/tendon/ 5 301,000 48,762 47 N $0.09
è‚‰ăźăƒ”ăƒŒăƒžăƒłè©°ă‚ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/pi-mannikudume/ 3 301,000 48,762 6 T $0.03
ăƒăƒŁăƒŒăƒăƒł https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/cha-han/ 3 450,000 43,785 22 I $0.16
おでん ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/oden/ 1 135,000 41,040 27 I $0.41
ăŠă§ă‚“ăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/odengu/ 1 135,000 41,040 11 I $0.41
ă“ă‚“ă«ă‚ƒăăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/konnyaku/ 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.16
ăȘす 煼びたし https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 1 135,000 41,040 3 I $0.09
ăȘす ç…źæ”žă— https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.09
ăȘă™ăźç…źæ”žă— https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.09
ă‚­ăƒ ăƒè±š ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butakimuti/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 N $0.04
ă‚čナップスンドォ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/sunappu/ 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.11
ナă‚č 煼びたし https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.09
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ たèŒčă§æ™‚é–“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 135,000 41,040 6 I $0.01
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ èŒčă§ă‚‹æ™‚é–“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.01
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ èŒčă§æ™‚é–“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.01
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒă‚†ă§æ™‚é–“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.01
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ăŠă§ă‚“ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/oden/ 1 135,000 41,040 10 I $0.41
レタă‚č ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/retasus/ 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.09
ć‘łć™Œæ± https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/misosiru/ 1 135,000 41,040 8 I $0.35
枝豆 ゆでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/edamame/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $
枝豆 èŒčでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/edamame/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $
ç…§ă‚Šç„Œăăƒă‚­ăƒł https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/teriyaki/ 1 135,000 41,040 8 I $0.08
ç…źæ”žă—ăƒŠă‚č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 1 135,000 41,040 2 I $0.09
èŒ„ć­ 煼びたし https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 1 135,000 41,040 1 I $0.09
èŒ„ć­ăźç…źæ”žă— https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/nibitasinasu/ 2 135,000 41,040 2 I $0.09
è±šă‚­ăƒ ăƒ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butakimuti/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.30
è±šă‚­ăƒ ăƒ ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butakimuti/ 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.04
è±šă‚­ăƒ ăƒăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/butakimuti/ 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.04
ă‚Șă‚Żăƒ©ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/okura2/ 3 246,000 39,852 0 I $0.94
æ‰‹çŸœć…ƒ ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/sapparini/ 3 246,000 39,852 0 I $0.08
豚汁 ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/tonjiru/ 2 246,000 39,852 8 I $0.08
èŠȘć­äžŒ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/oyakodon/ 3 368,000 35,806 29 I $0.12
おから ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/okara/ 2 110,000 33,440 1 I $0.11
ă•ă€ăŸă„ă‚‚ ごはん https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/satumaimogohan/ 1 110,000 33,440 4 I $0.10
ă•ă€ăŸă„ă‚‚ ご飯 https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/satumaimogohan/ 1 110,000 33,440 4 I $0.10
ă‚ąă‚žăƒ•ăƒ©ă‚€ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/ajihurai/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.12
ă‚°ăƒ©ă‚żăƒłăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/makaronigura/ 1 110,000 33,440 2 C $0.08
ă‚°ăƒ©ă‚żăƒłăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/makaronigura/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.08
ă‚łăƒ­ăƒƒă‚± ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/korokke/ 1 110,000 33,440 2 I $0.11
ă‚łăƒ­ăƒƒă‚±ăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/korokke/ 2 110,000 33,440 14 I $0.11
ă‚”ăƒ„ăƒžă‚€ăƒąă”éŁŻ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/satumaimogohan/ 1 110,000 33,440 5 I $0.10
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ ゆでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.01
ブロッコăƒȘăƒŒ èŒčでæ–č https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/buro/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.01
ăƒ›ă‚€ăƒ«ç„Œă éź­ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/hoiruyaki/ 1 110,000 33,440 2 I $0.02
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” お から https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/okara/ 2 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.11
ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ”ă‚łăƒ­ăƒƒă‚± https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/korokke/ 2 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.11
ć…«ćźèœ https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/8pousai/ 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.04
ć€§ć­ŠèŠ‹ăźăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/daigakuimo/ 2 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.09
ć€§è‘‰ ăƒŹă‚·ăƒ” https://www.sirogohan.com/recipe/oobashouyu/ 2 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.06

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Sirogohan.com?

Sirogohan.com ranks for 266,371 keywords, with 12,927 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "ご飯" (5,000,000 monthly searches), "逃歐" (1,220,000 monthly searches), and "牛䞌" (1,000,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Sirogohan.com's strong presence in informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Sirogohan.com?

Analysis of Sirogohan.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 9 countries. The top markets include Japan (28,551,276 monthly visitors), South Korea (1,108 monthly visitors), and Taiwan (169 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Sirogohan.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Japan.

Who Are Sirogohan.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Sirogohan.com faces strong competition from sirogohan.com (268,725 shared keywords), cookpad.com (259,694 shared keywords), and rakuten.co.jp (259,533 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in sirogohan.com and cookpad.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 42.0 for its top competitor, Sirogohan.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Sirogohan.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Sirogohan.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 12,927 keywords in position #1 and 14,282 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 55,089 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Sirogohan.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 6,518,656 monthly visitors, Sirogohan.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Japan and South Korea contributes to its global rank of #692. This traffic distribution, combined with 266,371 ranking keywords, positions Sirogohan.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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