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Nutritionix.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Nutritionix.com

Comprehensive analysis of Nutritionix.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #702 globally with 1,402,052 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Nutritionix.com

Nutritionix.com has built a robust backlink profile with 7,411 referring domains and 117,315 total backlinks. With 63.2% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


63.2% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Nutritionix.com ranks for 115,356 keywords in position #1, and 129,587 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 6 countries, with strongest performance in United States and United Kingdom. This demonstrates Nutritionix.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Nutritionix.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
eatthismuch.com 549,488 29.0 160,819
↑34,906 ↓22,748 New 482,800
mynetdiary.com 538,820 28.7 140,070
↑172,029 ↓138,572 New 184,161
fatsecret.com 513,827 26.4 186,421
↑132,536 ↓155,513 New 161,903
carbmanager.com 494,540 32.4 114,410
↑174,762 ↓145,995 New 134,209
instacart.com 413,402 33.0 96,447
↑96,406 ↓87,808 New 206,595
myfooddiary.com 407,181 30.9 62,441
↑134,062 ↓112,833 New 132,261
kroger.com 351,117 33.8 103,654
↑91,234 ↓80,623 New 152,605
nutritionvalue.org 339,587 29.1 60,966
↑128,095 ↓93,917 New 94,658
heb.com 337,804 36.1 75,587
↑97,458 ↓99,258 New 113,877

Top Keywords for Nutritionix.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
how many kcal in apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 4 246,000 74,784 30 I $0.63
how many calories are in a n apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 4 246,000 39,852 30 I $0.63
how much calories is an apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 5 246,000 39,852 31 I $0.63
banana calorie https://www.nutritionix.com/food/banana 4 90,500 27,512 37 I $0.28
how many calories is in an apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 6 246,000 23,935 32 I $0.63
pizza hut https://www.nutritionix.com/pizza-hut/nutrition-calculator/premium 38 11,100,000 23,310 81 C $0.30
calorie for an egg https://www.nutritionix.com/food/egg 4 60,500 18,392 50 I $1.25
calorie calculator chipotle https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 2 90,500 14,661 20 I $1.63
chipotle nutrition builder https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 2 90,500 14,661 21 C $1.63
chicken breast and calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-breast 3 40,500 12,312 30 I $0.26
kcal apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 3 40,500 12,312 8 I $0.92
kcal äpple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 3 40,500 12,312 0 I $0.92
sweet potato kcal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/sweet-potato/100-g 3 40,500 12,312 21 I $0.28
calorie calculator subway https://www.nutritionix.com/subway/nutrition-calculator 1 33,100 10,062 5 I $1.13
nutrition calculator subway https://www.nutritionix.com/subway/nutrition-calculator 1 33,100 10,062 16 I $1.13
subway nutrition calories calculator https://www.nutritionix.com/subway/nutrition-calculator 1 33,100 10,062 22 I $1.13
subway sandwiches nutrition calculator https://www.nutritionix.com/subway/nutrition-calculator 1 33,100 10,062 22 I $1.13
chipotle calorie counter https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 2 60,500 9,801 3 C $0.96
nutrition in banana https://www.nutritionix.com/food/banana 4 60,500 9,801 44 I $0.14
chipotle mexican grill nutrition calculator https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 3 90,500 8,805 26 C $1.63
chipotle nutrition calculator https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 3 90,500 8,805 13 N $1.63
how many calorie banana https://www.nutritionix.com/food/banana 6 90,500 8,805 32 I $0.63
ihop https://www.nutritionix.com/i/ihop/4-reeses-pieces-pancakes/d3ea765083d56632619a8445 39 4,090,000 8,589 87 C $0.29
calorie count strawberry https://www.nutritionix.com/food/strawberries 3 27,100 8,238 25 I $3.74
calorie in strawberry https://www.nutritionix.com/food/strawberries 3 27,100 8,238 16 I $3.74
calories in costco pizza https://www.nutritionix.com/brand/costco-food-court/products/57be0c972eb9319429e7689f 1 27,100 8,238 0 I $
carrot calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/carrot 4 27,100 8,238 22 I $0.15
carrot kcal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/carrot 4 27,100 8,238 3 I $0.15
cucumber and calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/cucumber 4 27,100 8,238 44 I $
cucumber calorie https://www.nutritionix.com/food/cucumber 4 27,100 8,238 18 I $
cucumber calorie count https://www.nutritionix.com/food/cucumber 2 27,100 8,238 24 I $
cucumber kcal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/cucumber 4 27,100 8,238 17 I $
how many calorie in strawberry https://www.nutritionix.com/food/strawberries 4 27,100 8,238 17 I $
nutrition facts for costco pizza https://www.nutritionix.com/i/costco-food-court/cheese-pizza-slice/c640016477d33b697d947305 1 27,100 8,238 0 I $
nutritional value of costco pizza https://www.nutritionix.com/brand/costco-food-court/products/57be0c972eb9319429e7689f 3 27,100 8,238 0 I $
pizza costco nutrition https://www.nutritionix.com/i/costco-food-court/cheese-pizza-slice/c640016477d33b697d947305 1 27,100 8,238 0 I $
chipotle nutrition data https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 4 74,000 7,200 33 C $0.14
how many calorie egg https://www.nutritionix.com/food/egg 6 74,000 7,200 30 I $1.48
how many calories are eggs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/egg 6 74,000 7,200 29 I $1.48
how many calories is in eggs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/egg 6 74,000 7,200 33 I $1.48
how much calories is in an egg https://www.nutritionix.com/food/egg 6 74,000 7,200 30 I $1.48
boiled egg kcal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/hard-boiled-egg 3 22,200 6,748 12 I $0.80
cal in orange https://www.nutritionix.com/food/orange 3 22,200 6,748 4 I $
calorie orange https://www.nutritionix.com/food/orange 4 22,200 6,748 15 I $
calories black beans https://www.nutritionix.com/food/black-beans 3 22,200 6,748 27 I $0.35
calories in a mcdouble https://www.nutritionix.com/food/mcdonalds-mcdouble 3 22,200 6,748 0 I $
calories in tomatoes https://www.nutritionix.com/food/tomato 3 22,200 6,748 28 I $
costco hot dog nutrition https://www.nutritionix.com/food/costco-hotdog 1 22,200 6,748 0 I $
costco hot dog nutrition facts https://www.nutritionix.com/food/costco-hotdog 1 22,200 6,748 0 I $
grapes how many calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/grapes 4 22,200 6,748 10 I $0.04
hot dog nutrition costco https://www.nutritionix.com/food/costco-hotdog 1 22,200 6,748 0 I $
how many calories are grapes https://www.nutritionix.com/food/grapes 4 22,200 6,748 22 I $0.04
how many calories is a grape https://www.nutritionix.com/food/grapes 4 22,200 6,748 11 I $0.04
nutrition at texas roadhouse https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 8 C $
nutrition facts for texas roadhouse https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 11 I $
nutrition information texas roadhouse https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 11 I $
nutrition menu for texas roadhouse https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 9 I $
nutritional info for texas roadhouse https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 11 I $
texas roadhouse calories https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 11 I $
texas roadhouse nutrition chart https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 11 C $
texas roadhouse nutritional value https://m.nutritionix.com/texas-roadhouse/portal 1 22,200 6,748 8 C $
tomato cal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/tomato 3 22,200 6,748 12 I $
white rice calorie https://www.nutritionix.com/food/white-rice 4 22,200 6,748 39 I $0.09
apples and calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 4 40,500 6,561 30 I $0.92
calorie of an apple https://www.nutritionix.com/food/apple 5 40,500 6,561 32 I $0.92
calorie of sweet potato https://www.nutritionix.com/food/sweet-potato 5 40,500 6,561 28 I $0.28
calories chicken thighs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-thighs/100-g 5 40,500 6,561 17 I $0.36
calories for chicken breast https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-breast 5 40,500 6,561 32 I $0.22
chicken breast calorie counter https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-breast 3 40,500 6,561 25 C $0.26
nutrition facts chicken thighs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/boneless-skinless-chicken-thighs 6 40,500 6,561 12 I $0.36
nutrition in chicken breast https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-breast 6 40,500 6,561 51 I $0.22
nutrition value chicken breast https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-breast 6 40,500 6,561 48 I $0.22
banana fruit calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/banana 6 90,500 5,963 37 I $0.28
bananas and calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/banana 6 90,500 5,963 37 I $0.28
calorie count chipotle https://www.nutritionix.com/chipotle/nutrition-calculator 4 60,500 5,886 33 I $0.96
calorie 1 cup rice https://www.nutritionix.com/food/white-rice/1-cup 4 18,100 5,502 12 I $
calorie 2 eggs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/eggs/2 3 18,100 5,502 11 I $0.95
calorie content in rice https://www.nutritionix.com/food/rice 4 18,100 5,502 39 I $0.41
calorie count of 1 cup rice https://www.nutritionix.com/food/white-rice/1-cup 4 18,100 5,502 4 I $
calorie onion https://www.nutritionix.com/food/onion 4 18,100 5,502 4 I $0.03
calories for corn on the cob https://www.nutritionix.com/i/usda/corn-1-ear-large-7-0.75-to-9-long-yields/513fceb575b8dbbc21001521 4 18,100 5,502 34 I $0.08
calories for two eggs https://www.nutritionix.com/food/eggs/2 4 18,100 5,502 5 I $0.95
calories in a corn on the cob https://www.nutritionix.com/i/usda/corn-1-ear-large-7-0.75-to-9-long-yields/513fceb575b8dbbc21001521 4 18,100 5,502 14 I $0.08
calories in bell pepper https://www.nutritionix.com/food/bell-pepper 4 18,100 5,502 21 I $0.05
calories russet potato https://www.nutritionix.com/food/russet-potato/oz 3 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.14
chicken rotisserie nutrition https://www.nutritionix.com/food/rotisserie-chicken 1 18,100 5,502 3 T $0.28
chicken wingette calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-wingette 3 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.41
chicken wings nutritional value https://www.nutritionix.com/food/plain-chicken-wing 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.41
french fries and calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 4 18,100 5,502 17 I $0.06
french fries calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 4 18,100 5,502 17 I $0.06
french fries kcal https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 3 18,100 5,502 7 I $0.06
french fries nutrition https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 5 18,100 5,502 17 I $0.06
fried fries calories https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 3 18,100 5,502 17 I $0.06
fries calorie https://www.nutritionix.com/food/french-fries 4 18,100 5,502 19 I $0.06
how many calories in a n orange https://www.nutritionix.com/food/orange 3 18,100 5,502 23 I $
how many calories in potato https://www.nutritionix.com/food/potato 3 18,100 5,502 19 I $0.03
nutrients in chicken wings https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-wings 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.41
nutrition facts chicken wing https://www.nutritionix.com/food/chicken-wings 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.41
nutrition facts for rotisserie chicken https://www.nutritionix.com/food/rotisserie-chicken 3 18,100 5,502 0 C $0.28
nutrition in chicken wings https://www.nutritionix.com/food/plain-chicken-wing 2 18,100 5,502 5 I $0.41

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Nutritionix.com?

Nutritionix.com ranks for 1,402,052 keywords, with 115,356 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "how many kcal in apple" (246,000 monthly searches), "how many calories are in a n apple" (246,000 monthly searches), and "how much calories is an apple" (246,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Nutritionix.com's strong presence in informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Nutritionix.com?

Analysis of Nutritionix.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 6 countries. The top markets include United States (4,160,913 monthly visitors), United Kingdom (1,391,405 monthly visitors), and India (1,381,139 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Nutritionix.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in United States.

Who Are Nutritionix.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Nutritionix.com faces strong competition from nutritionix.com (960,681 shared keywords), eatthismuch.com (549,488 shared keywords), and mynetdiary.com (538,820 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in nutritionix.com and eatthismuch.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 34.9 for its top competitor, Nutritionix.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Nutritionix.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Nutritionix.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 115,356 keywords in position #1 and 129,587 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 447,067 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Nutritionix.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 6,465,201 monthly visitors, Nutritionix.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in United States and United Kingdom contributes to its global rank of #702. This traffic distribution, combined with 1,402,052 ranking keywords, positions Nutritionix.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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