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Priberam.org Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Priberam.org

Comprehensive analysis of Priberam.org's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #287 globally with 915,882 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

3 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Priberam.org

Priberam.org has built a robust backlink profile with 11,486 referring domains and 2,909,236 total backlinks. With 82.0% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


82.0% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Priberam.org ranks for 154,090 keywords in position #1, and 141,018 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 9 countries, with strongest performance in Brazil and Portugal. This demonstrates Priberam.org's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Priberam.org

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
infopedia.pt 383,067 13.7 254,822
↑108,179 ↓126,043 New 67,885
dicio.com.br 372,549 12.8 257,363
↑81,642 ↓135,849 New 55,212
dicionarioinformal.com.br 310,718 23.5 127,034
↑68,587 ↓122,390 New 86,663
globo.com 251,601 45.7 25,966
↑44,867 ↓63,663 New 132,786
linguee.com.br 234,833 30.9 54,669
↑72,878 ↓44,957 New 89,488
reverso.net 224,973 31.6 48,702
↑50,177 ↓59,980 New 96,417
sinonimos.com.br 220,903 18.4 125,883
↑48,011 ↓96,048 New 33,031
aulete.com.br 206,192 21.0 96,065
↑71,632 ↓55,907 New 59,396
bab.la 184,878 33.6 41,314
↑40,143 ↓64,249 New 58,571

Top Keywords for Priberam.org

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
termos https://dicionario.priberam.org/termos 2 1,220,000 370,880 11 C $0.07
santo https://dicionario.priberam.org/santo 6 6,120,000 287,028 78 C $0.22
significação https://dicionario.priberam.org/significa%C3%A7%C3%A3o 3 673,000 204,592 0 I $0.02
benefica https://dicionario.priberam.org/ben%C3%A9fica 3 550,000 167,200 0 I $0.94
o que engloba https://dicionario.priberam.org/engloba 3 550,000 167,200 0 I $0.03
o que é a https://dicionario.priberam.org/%C3%A0 1 550,000 167,200 22 I $0.03
vocês https://dicionario.priberam.org/voc%C3%AAs 1 550,000 167,200 13 I $0.03
por https://dicionario.priberam.org/por 2 450,000 136,800 5 I $0.03
vejam https://dicionario.priberam.org/vejam 3 450,000 136,800 0 I $0.12
de https://dicionario.priberam.org/de 2 823,000 133,326 51 C $0.04
que https://dicionario.priberam.org/que 5 1,220,000 118,706 0 I $0.08
movido https://dicionario.priberam.org/movido 3 368,000 111,872 1 C $0.27
póstos https://dicionario.priberam.org/p%C3%B4s-tos 3 368,000 111,872 0 C $0.06
crocas https://dicionario.priberam.org/crocas 3 673,000 109,026 0 C $0.05
déu https://dicionario.priberam.org/d%C3%A9u 2 301,000 91,504 0 C $0.33
dó https://dicionario.priberam.org/d%C3%B3 3 301,000 91,504 0 I $0.10
internética https://dicionario.priberam.org/intern%C3%A9tica 1 301,000 91,504 0 C $3.38
fornir https://dicionario.priberam.org/fornir 2 550,000 89,100 0 C $0.06
você https://dicionario.priberam.org/voc%C3%AA 2 550,000 89,100 14 I $0.03
questão https://dicionario.priberam.org/quest%C3%A3o 2 246,000 74,784 12 C $0.08
sá https://dicionario.priberam.org/s%C3%A1 2 246,000 74,784 16 I $0.16
u m https://dicionario.priberam.org/um 4 450,000 72,900 8 C $0.09
um https://dicionario.priberam.org/um 4 450,000 72,900 8 I $0.09
dicionário https://dicionario.priberam.org/ 3 673,000 65,482 96 C $0.05
adjetiva https://dicionario.priberam.org/adjetiva 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.01
c u https://dicionario.priberam.org/cu 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.05
crinas https://dicionario.priberam.org/crinas 1 201,000 61,104 0 C $0.08
cu https://dicionario.priberam.org/cu 1 201,000 61,104 0 C $0.05
esquizo https://dicionario.priberam.org/esquizo- 1 201,000 61,104 0 C $0.02
fatais https://dicionario.priberam.org/fatais 3 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.29
fã https://dicionario.priberam.org/f%C3%A3 3 201,000 61,104 0 C $0.03
párias https://dicionario.priberam.org/p%C3%A1rias 2 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.58
sócia https://dicionario.priberam.org/s%C3%B3cia 1 201,000 61,104 0 N $0.11
te https://dicionario.priberam.org/te 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.06
nôs https://dicionario.priberam.org/n%C3%B3s 4 368,000 59,616 4 I $0.08
s e https://dicionario.priberam.org/se 3 368,000 59,616 25 C $0.14
para https://dicionario.priberam.org/para 7 550,000 53,515 61 I $0.09
disponível https://dicionario.priberam.org/dispon%C3%ADvel 2 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.03
fofice https://dicionario.priberam.org/fofice 2 165,000 50,160 0 C $0.31
má https://dicionario.priberam.org/m%C3%A1 3 165,000 50,160 26 I $0.11
obrigado https://dicionario.priberam.org/obrigado 2 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.03
pessoas https://dicionario.priberam.org/pessoas 1 165,000 50,160 30 I $0.04
pinto https://dicionario.priberam.org/pinto 1 165,000 50,160 11 C $0.07
pô lo https://dicionario.priberam.org/p%C3%B4-lo 1 165,000 50,160 0 I $0.32
tibio https://dicionario.priberam.org/t%C3%ADbio 2 165,000 50,160 0 C $0.07
cómodo https://dicionario.priberam.org/c%C3%B3modo 3 301,000 48,762 1 I $0.10
exceção https://dicionario.priberam.org/exce%C3%A7%C3%A3o 3 301,000 48,762 0 I $0.01
internei https://dicionario.priberam.org/internei 3 301,000 48,762 0 C $3.38
narcísica https://dicionario.priberam.org/narc%C3%ADsica 4 301,000 48,762 1 C $0.02
os https://dicionario.priberam.org/os 3 301,000 48,762 0 N $0.02
a o https://dicionario.priberam.org/ao 3 135,000 41,040 0 C $0.07
baixando https://dicionario.priberam.org/baixando 3 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.19
como se escreve inscrição https://dicionario.priberam.org/inscri%C3%A7%C3%A3o 3 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.02
defina entrar https://dicionario.priberam.org/entrar 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.31
explique https://dicionario.priberam.org/explique 3 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.02
re https://dicionario.priberam.org/r%C3%A9 3 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.18
acinte https://dicionario.priberam.org/acinte 4 246,000 39,852 0 I $0.02
açougues https://dicionario.priberam.org/a%C3%A7ougue 5 246,000 39,852 11 C $0.22
pelaram https://dicionario.priberam.org/pelaram 3 246,000 39,852 0 C $0.45
trás https://dicionario.priberam.org/tr%C3%A1s 5 550,000 36,245 0 I $0.03
a s https://dicionario.priberam.org/%C3%A0s 3 368,000 35,806 22 C $0.05
as https://dicionario.priberam.org/%C3%A0s 3 368,000 35,806 19 C $0.05
igreja https://dicionario.priberam.org/igreja 7 368,000 35,806 37 C $0.83
ños https://dicionario.priberam.org/n%C3%B3s 4 368,000 35,806 29 C $0.08
atualizada https://dicionario.priberam.org/atualizada 1 110,000 33,440 1 N $0.05
bom https://dicionario.priberam.org/bom 1 110,000 33,440 5 C $0.06
conexão https://dicionario.priberam.org/conex%C3%A3o 2 110,000 33,440 23 N $0.55
conexões https://dicionario.priberam.org/conex%C3%B5es 4 110,000 33,440 3 C $0.55
excessos https://dicionario.priberam.org/excessos 3 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.02
fenómeno https://dicionario.priberam.org/fen%C3%B3meno 2 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.01
ideais https://dicionario.priberam.org/ideais 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.05
incómodo https://dicionario.priberam.org/inc%C3%B3modo 3 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.01
incômodo https://dicionario.priberam.org/inc%C3%B4modo 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.01
ola https://dicionario.priberam.org/ol%C3%A1 2 110,000 33,440 4 C $0.10
papais https://dicionario.priberam.org/papais 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.04
paço https://dicionario.priberam.org/pa%C3%A7o 2 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.11
pedagógica https://dicionario.priberam.org/pedag%C3%B3gica 1 110,000 33,440 19 N $1.51
pês https://dicionario.priberam.org/p%C3%AAs 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.02
sectária https://dicionario.priberam.org/sect%C3%A1ria 3 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.36
travestir https://dicionario.priberam.org/travestir 2 110,000 33,440 2 C $0.18
dicionário portugues https://dicionario.priberam.org/ 2 201,000 32,562 79 N $0.04
sinônimo https://dicionario.priberam.org/sin%C3%B3nimo 6 673,000 31,563 30 I $0.04
preto https://dicionario.priberam.org/preto 5 301,000 29,287 6 C $0.03
anãs https://dicionario.priberam.org/an%C3%A3s 1 90,500 27,512 7 C $0.14
artesã https://dicionario.priberam.org/artes%C3%A3 1 90,500 27,512 23 C $0.16
assinale https://dicionario.priberam.org/assinale 3 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.02
avó https://dicionario.priberam.org/av%C3%B3 2 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.02
comunicam https://dicionario.priberam.org/comunicam 3 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.08
construa o https://dicionario.priberam.org/construa-o 1 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.06
ele https://dicionario.priberam.org/ele 3 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.07
estagiária https://dicionario.priberam.org/estagi%C3%A1ria 3 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.29
evidencía https://dicionario.priberam.org/evidencia 2 90,500 27,512 4 C $0.06
exima https://dicionario.priberam.org/exima 3 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.27
existia https://dicionario.priberam.org/existia 3 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.09
filosófica https://dicionario.priberam.org/filos%C3%B3fica 3 90,500 27,512 21 I $0.37
geniais https://dicionario.priberam.org/geniais 3 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.23
génese https://dicionario.priberam.org/g%C3%A9nese 2 90,500 27,512 2 I $0.23
inchado https://dicionario.priberam.org/inchado 3 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.03
inchar https://dicionario.priberam.org/inchar 2 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.03
ménages https://dicionario.priberam.org/m%C3%A9nages 1 90,500 27,512 0 C $0.23

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Priberam.org?

Priberam.org ranks for 915,882 keywords, with 154,090 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "termos" (1,220,000 monthly searches), "santo" (6,120,000 monthly searches), and "significação" (673,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Priberam.org's strong presence in commercial and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Priberam.org?

Analysis of Priberam.org's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 9 countries. The top markets include Brazil (60,688,611 monthly visitors), Portugal (5,979,355 monthly visitors), and Angola (665,184 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Priberam.org's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Brazil.

Who Are Priberam.org's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Priberam.org faces strong competition from priberam.org (450,125 shared keywords), infopedia.pt (383,067 shared keywords), and dicio.com.br (372,549 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in priberam.org and infopedia.pt which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 14.8 for its top competitor, Priberam.org maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Priberam.org's Search Engine Visibility?

Priberam.org's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 154,090 keywords in position #1 and 141,018 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 428,950 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Priberam.org's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 14,012,376 monthly visitors, Priberam.org demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Brazil and Portugal contributes to its global rank of #287. This traffic distribution, combined with 915,882 ranking keywords, positions Priberam.org as a significant player in the digital space.

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