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Mapion.co.jp Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Mapion.co.jp

Comprehensive analysis of Mapion.co.jp's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #999 globally with 2,647,014 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

2 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Mapion.co.jp

Mapion.co.jp has built a robust backlink profile with 29,761 referring domains and 3,730,198 total backlinks. With 75.9% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


75.9% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Mapion.co.jp ranks for 10,846 keywords in position #1, and 44,058 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 9 countries, with strongest performance in Japan and Taiwan. This demonstrates Mapion.co.jp's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Mapion.co.jp

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
yahoo.co.jp 2,669,038 23.9 783,310
↑449,583 ↓846,913 New 1,151,084
navitime.co.jp 2,382,252 19.3 842,635
↑559,011 ↓683,795 New 875,586
mapfan.com 1,564,643 31.2 294,777
↑304,162 ↓626,709 New 525,760
ameblo.jp 1,263,738 49.0 89,019
↑219,879 ↓308,998 New 700,998
tabelog.com 1,260,864 20.0 684,798
↑217,471 ↓252,343 New 399,486
ekiten.jp 1,239,383 36.9 104,174
↑221,549 ↓462,616 New 501,379
indeed.com 1,188,504 40.8 41,655
↑301,195 ↓252,857 New 596,872
jalan.net 1,152,086 23.9 474,959
↑294,347 ↓277,586 New 385,942
rakuten.co.jp 1,089,137 34.9 330,641
↑252,820 ↓247,261 New 432,329

Top Keywords for Mapion.co.jp

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
ファミレス https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M01010/ 5 2,240,000 362,880 94 I $0.15
三菱 ufj http://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/bk_mufg/info/BA591969/ 3 1,000,000 304,000 63 I $2.33
天気 https://www.mapion.co.jp/weather/ 13 37,200,000 279,000 100 I $1.00
ミスタードーナツ https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 7 1,500,000 243,000 63 C $0.20
ミスド https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 6 1,500,000 243,000 40 C $0.23
日本地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/japan.html 4 1,500,000 243,000 11 C $0.04
地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/ 3 2,240,000 217,952 100 I $0.58
ミスタードーナツ http://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/info/0150/ 5 1,500,000 145,950 63 C $0.20
横浜 銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/boy/info/38300/?utm_source=gbp&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=website 3 301,000 91,504 19 I $3.81
食料品店 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02014/ 7 673,000 65,482 0 C $0.19
千葉銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/info/0020 2 201,000 61,104 52 I $2.69
三菱ufj 銀行atm http://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/bk_mufg/info/BA592431/ 5 368,000 59,616 55 I $0.33
パチンコ 店 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M03004/ 8 823,000 54,235 29 I $0.80
ufj 銀行 http://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/bk_mufg/info/BA592431/ 3 301,000 48,762 65 I $3.79
ミスド メニュー https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 4 673,000 44,350 60 C $0.03
きゃ別 https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/women/womanexcite-E1673920485338-all/ 2 135,000 41,040 13 I $0.12
りそな銀行の atm http://lbs.mapion.co.jp/map/uc/PoiAttr?grp=resona_gr&oe=sjis&vo=mbml&pm=5&srt=disp_order&q=%E3%83%9B%E3%83%AF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3&start=1 2 246,000 39,852 27 I $1.19
天気 予報 https://www.mapion.co.jp/weather/ 15 7,480,000 38,148 100 N $1.05
コインパーキング https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/leperc/?type=coin 13 3,350,000 37,855 82 I $0.04
電気 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02011/27219/ 7 550,000 36,245 22 I $2.00
千葉銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/ 5 201,000 32,562 52 I $2.69
ホームセンター https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02003/14100/ 14 3,350,000 30,485 100 C $0.12
自転車 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M08033/34207/ 8 673,000 28,722 32 I $0.33
ぱちんこ てん https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M03004/40130/ 7 823,000 27,817 55 I $0.80
横浜銀行の atm https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/boy/info/38311/?utm_source=gbp&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=website 2 90,500 27,512 12 I $0.75
近く自転車屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M08033/38201/ 4 90,500 27,512 3 I $0.19
dwifi https://dwifi.mapion.co.jp/b/d_wifi/ 4 201,000 25,398 16 N $3.75
パチンコ 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M03004/ 7 246,000 23,935 25 I $0.55
埼玉 県 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi11.html 4 246,000 23,935 100 I $0.23
八十二銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/hachijuni_s/ 2 135,000 21,870 26 I $3.87
ほっともっと http://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/hottomotto/attr/?kencode=27 17 2,740,000 20,550 16 C $0.50
マピオン https://www.mapion.co.jp/ 1 60,500 18,392 53 N $0.46
山梨中央銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/yamanashibank/info/101/ 2 60,500 18,392 25 N $1.85
北國銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/hokkokubank/info/1602/ 6 110,000 17,820 23 N $1.49
メニューミスド https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 7 673,000 17,228 60 C $0.03
魚べい https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M01022CZ16/ 8 823,000 16,213 52 C $0.33
近く の タクシー https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M12002/38201/ST27831/ 6 165,000 16,054 21 I $1.15
近く のタクシー https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M12002/13220/ST22945/ 6 165,000 16,054 29 I $1.15
マクドナルド https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M01011CD01/ 58 7,480,000 15,708 61 C $0.49
ドーナツ https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 10 450,000 15,210 62 I $0.13
千葉 銀行 atm https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/info/5495 2 49,500 15,048 39 I $8.24
千葉銀行の atm http://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/info/5171/ 5 49,500 15,048 38 I $8.24
きらぼし 銀行 https://krbs.mapion.co.jp/ 3 90,500 14,661 39 I $2.58
地図 日本 都道府県 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/japan.html 3 90,500 14,661 1 I $0.04
日本の地図 都道府県 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/japan.html 3 90,500 14,661 20 I $0.04
日本地図 都道府県 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/japan.html 2 90,500 14,661 7 C $0.04
滋賀銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/shigagin/ 2 90,500 14,661 33 I $6.14
百五銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/hyakugobank/info/2020/ 5 90,500 14,661 32 I $3.22
近くの電気屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02011/20217/ 5 90,500 14,661 3 I $2.58
近く自転車や https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M08033/38201/ 5 90,500 14,661 20 C $0.19
鹿児島銀行 https://kagin.mapion.co.jp/ 2 90,500 14,661 28 N $1.51
横浜 銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/boy_s/ 8 301,000 14,116 19 I $3.81
オリックスレンタカー https://saisoncard.mapion.co.jp/b/saisoncard_merchant/info/ME00074/ 7 201,000 13,245 27 I $0.68
北洋銀行 https://hokuyo.mapion.co.jp/ 4 201,000 13,245 25 I $3.81
イズミヤ https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02002CL06/ 3 135,000 13,135 43 I $0.27
スーパー https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02002/ 45 6,120,000 12,852 100 I $0.25
セブン-イレブン https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/column/cobs2827280-1/ 100 6,120,000 12,852 100 I $0.85
ホームセンター近く https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02003/27100/ST25847/ 9 368,000 12,438 13 I $0.04
ミスド 近く https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 4 40,500 12,312 28 I $0.56
近くの ミスド https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/ 4 40,500 12,312 65 I $0.56
mister donut https://md.mapion.co.jp/b/misterdonut/info/0552/ 4 74,000 11,988 58 C $0.28
東京 地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi13.html 3 74,000 11,988 25 I $0.06
東京との地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi13.html 3 74,000 11,988 1 I $0.06
東京地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi13.html 3 74,000 11,988 7 I $0.06
武蔵野 ホームセンター https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02003/13203/ST23008/ 5 74,000 11,988 11 C $0.20
都道府県 地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/japan.html 3 74,000 11,988 23 I $0.03
東京 天気 https://www.mapion.co.jp/weather/area/13/ 18 2,740,000 11,782 46 I $0.53
7丁目 https://www.mapion.co.jp/address/13102/5:7/ 6 246,000 11,537 1 N $0.22
近くのパチンコ 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M03004/01100/ST20220/ 8 246,000 11,537 0 I $0.73
公衆トイレ https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M16010/13113/ST22715/ 11 450,000 11,520 2 I $0.21
map https://www.mapion.co.jp/ 17 2,240,000 11,424 73 I $0.24
乗り換え 案内 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/transit/ 51 5,000,000 10,500 100 N $0.96
乗換案内 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/transit/ 52 5,000,000 10,500 100 I $0.96
ちばぎん https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/info/0026 2 33,100 10,062 72 N $1.78
キョリ測 https://www.mapion.co.jp/route/ 1 33,100 10,062 33 I $0.43
地図四国 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/area007.html 2 33,100 10,062 0 N $0.04
愛知県 地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi23.html 2 33,100 10,062 11 I $0.07
距離 測定 https://www.mapion.co.jp/route/ 1 33,100 10,062 20 I $0.26
関東 地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/area002.html 3 33,100 10,062 0 I $0.03
中央銀行山梨 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/yamanashibank/ 6 60,500 9,801 13 I $1.85
中央銀行山梨 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/yamanashibank/info/101/ 3 60,500 9,801 13 I $1.85
建設会社 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M26012TK01/39201/ 3 60,500 9,801 75 C $2.23
近く の ホームセンター https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02003/14100/ 10 368,000 9,420 9 I $0.04
近くの ホームセンター https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02003/27100/ST25847/ 10 368,000 9,420 13 I $0.04
横浜銀行の atm https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/boy_s/ 7 90,500 8,805 12 I $0.75
百五銀行 https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/hyakugobank_s/ 3 90,500 8,805 32 I $3.22
自転車屋近く https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M08033/39201/ 6 90,500 8,805 16 I $0.19
近くの 自転車 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M08033/27140/ 6 90,500 8,805 18 I $0.19
電気屋 近く https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02011/28217/ 6 90,500 8,805 2 I $2.58
コジマ 電気 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02011CP04/ 5 110,000 8,669 28 N $0.26
スーパーマーケット https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02002/22130/ 28 4,090,000 8,589 79 I $0.16
楽天 トラベル https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/local/traicy-20241007315633/ 26 4,090,000 8,589 25 I $0.03
近く の パチンコ 屋 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M03004/01100/ST20220/ 9 246,000 8,314 0 I $0.73
近くのせぶんいれぶん https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02005CM01/28100/ 6 246,000 8,314 35 I $0.21
近く のスーパー https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02002/40130/ST28283/ 12 550,000 8,250 6 I $0.14
神奈川県 地図 https://www.mapion.co.jp/smp/map/admi14.html 2 27,100 8,238 12 I $0.09
楽天トラベル https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/local/traicy-20241106318914/ 33 4,090,000 8,073 13 I $0.03
千葉 銀行 atm https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/ 6 49,500 8,019 39 I $8.24
千葉銀行の atm https://sasp.mapion.co.jp/b/chibabank/ 3 49,500 8,019 38 I $8.24
ikea 鶴浜 https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M02013/27108/ILSP0000669497_ipclm/ 6 165,000 7,738 0 N $0.13

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Mapion.co.jp?

Mapion.co.jp ranks for 2,647,014 keywords, with 10,846 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "ファミレス" (2,240,000 monthly searches), "三菱 ufj" (1,000,000 monthly searches), and "天気" (37,200,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Mapion.co.jp's strong presence in informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Mapion.co.jp?

Analysis of Mapion.co.jp's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 9 countries. The top markets include Japan (21,021,262 monthly visitors), Taiwan (2,094 monthly visitors), and United States (890 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Mapion.co.jp's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Japan.

Who Are Mapion.co.jp's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Mapion.co.jp faces strong competition from mapion.co.jp (2,819,467 shared keywords), yahoo.co.jp (2,669,038 shared keywords), and navitime.co.jp (2,382,252 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in mapion.co.jp and yahoo.co.jp which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 33.9 for its top competitor, Mapion.co.jp maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Mapion.co.jp's Search Engine Visibility?

Mapion.co.jp's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 10,846 keywords in position #1 and 44,058 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 374,852 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Mapion.co.jp's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 4,586,653 monthly visitors, Mapion.co.jp demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Japan and Taiwan contributes to its global rank of #999. This traffic distribution, combined with 2,647,014 ranking keywords, positions Mapion.co.jp as a significant player in the digital space.

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