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Stackoverflow.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Stackoverflow.com

Comprehensive analysis of Stackoverflow.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #359 globally with 10,377,673 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Stackoverflow.com

Stackoverflow.com has built a robust backlink profile with 297,813 referring domains and 354,210,082 total backlinks. With 69.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


69.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Stackoverflow.com ranks for 412,987 keywords in position #1, and 543,723 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in India and United States. This demonstrates Stackoverflow.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Stackoverflow.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
github.com 1,567,277 35.0 354,610
↑353,723 ↓395,604 New 650,755
microsoft.com 1,554,407 34.0 496,916
↑365,405 ↓364,827 New 587,034
stackexchange.com 1,477,058 39.6 275,082
↑378,350 ↓331,666 New 663,996
apple.com 1,065,735 35.6 308,512
↑249,652 ↓256,748 New 445,707
geeksforgeeks.org 934,596 32.9 298,112
↑274,833 ↓298,617 New 223,548
superuser.com 717,806 39.1 162,264
↑183,438 ↓184,947 New 288,950
wikihow.com 565,202 35.6 121,395
↑177,184 ↓217,853 New 119,499
makeuseof.com 523,049 45.5 47,358
↑144,871 ↓214,197 New 134,754
adobe.com 496,852 42.9 105,130
↑123,888 ↓121,547 New 209,294

Top Keywords for Stackoverflow.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
rgdal /questions/76868135/r-package-rgdal-can-not-be-installed 2 1,220,000 197,640 7 I $0.18
yahoo webmail /questions/29010246/html-e-mail-looks-bad-in-yahoo-and-outlook-but-fine-on-everything-else 16 37,200,000 159,960 54 N $0.93
gmail /questions/tagged/gmail-api 60 55,600,000 116,760 100 I $0.97
link in p /questions/11166708/hyperlink-tag-in-p-tag 1 368,000 111,872 12 I $1.97
image img /questions/11928566/img-vs-image-tag-in-html 5 823,000 54,235 68 N $2.77
google maps /questions/79118799/unable-to-interact-with-the-google-maps-in-react 41 24,900,000 52,290 100 N $0.48
lf c /questions/25860850/what-is-the-difference-between-f-and-lf-in-c 1 165,000 50,160 17 N $1.37
c different /questions/28778625/whats-the-difference-between-and-in-c 2 301,000 48,762 24 I $1.00
dimens /questions/29128178/how-to-use-dimens-xml-in-android 2 135,000 41,040 0 I $1.87
p br /questions/13688158/when-to-use-p-vs-br 1 135,000 41,040 23 I $1.58
what does :: mean /questions/7099641/what-does-double-colon-mean 2 135,000 41,040 3 I $0.51
what does o/n mean /questions/1909307/what-does-on-mean 1 135,000 41,040 11 I $0.51
common table expression /questions/4740748/when-to-use-common-table-expression-cte 3 246,000 39,852 34 I $2.81
multiple active result sets /questions/510899/multipleactiveresultsets-true-or-multiple-connections 2 246,000 39,852 13 T $1.11
c ast /questions/239722/ast-from-c-code 1 110,000 33,440 29 I $1.38
c handler /questions/2485028/signal-handling-in-c 2 110,000 33,440 3 C $1.13
o'r /questions/28993483/meaning-of-o-in-r 4 201,000 32,562 10 N $0.64
months python /questions/66790398/how-to-generate-month-names-as-list-in-python 1 90,500 27,512 21 I $0.53
c oop /questions/351733/how-would-one-write-object-oriented-code-in-c 3 165,000 26,730 15 I $0.86
p/i /questions/21373528/diff-between-pi-ip-and-pi-ip-in-c-c 7 550,000 25,795 30 N $4.83
qt io /questions/78011906/qt-creator-build-failure-fails-to-clone-repository-for-new-qt-quick-applicatio 6 550,000 25,795 44 N $0.72
precompiled headers /questions/903228/why-use-precompiled-headers-c-c 3 246,000 23,935 31 I $0.19
english to sp /questions/575089/where-to-get-a-database-of-spanish-english-translations 54 11,100,000 23,310 59 N $0.88
speednet test /questions/30301324/how-speedtest-net-or-any-other-online-speed-test-site-works-if-they-cannot-use 80 11,100,000 23,310 96 C $0.31
label:focus css /questions/5978239/anyway-to-have-a-label-respond-to-focus-css 1 74,000 22,496 17 I $1.69
nyae /questions/800182/what-does-nyae-mean-in-zsh 1 74,000 22,496 12 I $1.75
optional options /questions/55583718/define-an-option-that-has-both-a-mandatory-and-optional-argument 2 74,000 22,496 24 C $4.19
pip e /questions/35064426/when-would-the-e-editable-option-be-useful-with-pip-install 1 74,000 22,496 20 I $0.75
unity circle /questions/13708395/how-can-i-draw-a-circle-in-unity3d 9 823,000 21,068 0 N $0.83
cd c /questions/17753986/how-to-change-directory-using-windows-command-line 4 201,000 19,557 51 T $3.05
domain component /questions/18756688/what-are-cn-ou-dc-in-an-ldap-search 4 201,000 19,557 2 N $0.59
facebook login /questions/76277484/how-to-set-up-facebook-log-in-for-business-in-my-facebook-app 35 9,140,000 19,194 62 N $0.49
united parcel service tracking /questions/15145865/ups-test-tracking-numbers-is-there-a-such-thing 50 9,140,000 19,194 57 N $0.29
and regex /questions/469913/regular-expressions-is-there-an-and-operator 1 60,500 18,392 24 N $1.42
br /questions/76985632/br-or-br-which-one-we-should-use-for-line-break 2 110,000 17,820 36 I $0.30
pull function /questions/49844902/difference-between-pull-and-select-in-dplyr 6 368,000 17,259 0 I $0.35
server intelligence agent /questions/33086829/how-to-delete-this-server-intelligence-agent-sia-server 5 246,000 16,211 0 C $4.15
r oma /questions/65157303/r-plot-basic-multicharts-drawing-a-box-at-the-oma-boundary 4 165,000 16,054 0 N $1.17
federal express tracking /questions/11049025/how-to-get-fedex-testing-tracking-number 81 7,480,000 15,708 85 N $0.33
fedex tracker /questions/74701807/after-placing-a-shipment-using-fedex-sandbox-apis-im-able-to-get-the-tracking 89 7,480,000 15,708 43 I $0.33
google drive /questions/79121485/wsl-cant-access-my-drive-folder-on-mounted-google-drive-h-drive 86 7,480,000 15,708 87 N $0.82
heavy r /questions/28961431/computationally-heavy-r-vignettes 6 450,000 15,210 6 I $1.00
multiply accumulate /questions/28855359/is-there-a-simple-way-to-use-multiply-accumulate-in-c 9 450,000 15,210 1 I $1.03
c ull /questions/8809292/ull-suffix-on-a-numeric-literal 2 49,500 15,048 18 N $0.19
stack overflow overflow / 1 49,500 15,048 100 C $8.80
stack overflow site / 1 49,500 15,048 100 C $8.80
googlesheet /questions/tagged/google-sheets 17 2,740,000 13,974 84 C $1.04
r/ all /questions/23413331/how-to-remove-last-n-characters-from-every-element-in-the-r-vector 5 201,000 13,245 36 I $
visual code /questions/76205599/visual-studio-code-terminal-running-the-old-code-even-though-i-have-changed-the 7 201,000 13,245 46 N $2.44
c cleanup /questions/60421225/cleanup-function-in-c 3 135,000 13,135 20 N $4.56
impl /questions/4054641/the-abbreviation-impl-is-used-in-a-lot-of-libraries-what-does-it-mean 4 135,000 13,135 11 I $4.24
duckdb /questions/tagged/duckdb 50 6,120,000 12,852 60 N $0.61
api and rest api /questions/41189842/what-is-difference-between-rest-and-api 1 40,500 12,312 34 T $4.38
python is dictionary /questions/25231989/how-to-check-if-a-variable-is-a-dictionary-in-python 1 40,500 12,312 44 I $1.33
python sn /questions/67663254/python-serial-number-for-objects-instantiated-from-derived-classes 1 40,500 12,312 20 I $0.17
alloca /questions/1018853/why-is-the-use-of-alloca-not-considered-good-practice 2 74,000 11,988 15 I $2.68
faker email /questions/68356668/generating-email-address-using-first-name-and-last-name-in-faker-python 2 74,000 11,988 0 I $2.54
pinb /questions/20993661/c-avr-simple-portb-ddrb-pinb-explanation 4 74,000 11,988 0 N $1.26
subject alternative names /questions/5935369/how-do-common-names-cn-and-subject-alternative-names-san-work-together 5 74,000 11,988 31 I $18.18
source depot /questions/23630378/source-depot-browser-set-external-diff 5 246,000 11,537 0 N $1.02
travel salesman problem /questions/49837125/confusion-about-np-hard-and-np-complete-in-traveling-salesman-problems 10 450,000 11,520 30 I $1.82
chromedriver extension /questions/77492861/regarding-chrome-driver-extension-file 5 165,000 10,873 82 C $3.11
epoch timestamps /questions/72800683/whats-the-difference-between-epoch-timestamp-and-unix-time 5 165,000 10,873 42 N $0.77
font family google fonts /questions/77554893/i-am-not-getting-css-rules-to-specify-families-in-google-fonts 4 165,000 10,873 20 I $0.56
kahoot it /questions/75086168/why-is-requests-html-not-returning-the-element-for-kahoot-it 9 550,000 10,835 100 N $0.75
secret benefits /questions/65889825/tri-secret-benefits 8 550,000 10,835 17 I $0.64
telegram website /questions/78024558/with-javascript-code-how-to-detect-if-user-is-using-my-website-using-telegram-we 9 550,000 10,835 45 N $1.01
answering machine detection /questions/25981498/answering-machine-detection-amd-with-twilio-but-after-the-fact 9 301,000 10,173 0 T $2.21
stoi c /questions/32448784/how-to-convert-a-c-string-to-an-integer-using-stdstoi-in-c 7 301,000 10,173 5 C $2.06
clicking cookie /questions/75127387/session-and-cookie-lost-when-clicking-a-link-from-gmail-very-bizzzare 11 673,000 10,095 16 N $0.44
background and background image /questions/39607999/css-difference-between-background-and-background-image 1 33,100 10,062 18 I $1.38
python compilation /questions/6889747/is-python-interpreted-or-compiled-or-both 1 33,100 10,062 32 I $3.58
semaphore p /questions/29606162/what-is-the-original-meaning-of-p-and-v-operations-in-a-context-of-a-semaphore 1 33,100 10,062 18 N $
js underscore /questions/44734399/what-is-the-purpose-of-functions-beginning-with-an-underscore-e-g-my-fu 3 60,500 9,801 34 T $
maven-source:jar /questions/8993004/how-to-generate-a-jar-with-the-source-code-in-maven 2 60,500 9,801 24 I $4.31
rich client platform /questions/579109/which-rich-client-platform-to-use 6 201,000 9,426 27 T $2.48
v s code /questions/78985434/setting-up-vs-code 6 201,000 9,426 100 I $2.44
visual studio code /questions/79118499/visual-studio-code-does-not-print-to-terminal-with-correct-indentation 6 201,000 9,426 57 C $2.44
go gl /questions/69248332/how-do-i-get-gl-functions-to-load-in-go-on-windows 7 368,000 9,420 10 N $0.69
windows imaging component /questions/75338173/how-to-initialize-iwicbitmapdecoder-with-windows-imaging-component-api 7 368,000 9,420 8 C $1.68
code 408 /questions/36392755/what-is-the-difference-between-http-408-and-504-errors 7 135,000 8,896 20 C $3.00
cycles per instruction /questions/52195320/calculating-cycles-per-instruction 8 135,000 8,896 5 I $10.16
get random word /questions/18834636/random-word-generator-python 5 135,000 8,896 29 I $0.34
r sd /questions/18047896/column-standard-deviation-r 5 135,000 8,896 16 N $0.31
stack / 3 90,500 8,805 69 N $2.35
google ea /questions/74426258/how-do-i-map-over-individual-regions-over-a-several-year-timespan-in-google-ea 44 4,090,000 8,589 94 N $0.48
void 0 /questions/1291942/what-does-javascriptvoid0-mean 1 27,100 8,238 22 I $
javascript location reload true /questions/55127650/location-reloadtrue-is-deprecated 3 49,500 8,019 8 I $7.36
r ema /questions/65597909/exponential-moving-average-of-a-vector-in-r 2 49,500 8,019 4 N $0.38
windows scp /questions/8975798/copying-a-local-file-from-windows-to-a-remote-server-using-scp 2 49,500 8,019 18 I $3.50
utcnow time /questions/62151/datetime-now-vs-datetime-utcnow 9 368,000 7,249 61 I $0.28
dommatrix /questions/73678841/how-to-transform-the-canvas-using-dommatrix 5 110,000 7,249 19 N $0.98
params /questions/12992008/why-use-the-params-keyword 6 74,000 7,200 28 I $0.79
window screeny /questions/59720962/shouldnt-window-screenx-and-window-screeny-work-on-browsers-on-mobile-devices 3 74,000 7,200 3 C $2.13
bcoin /questions/70283768/coinmarketcap-webscraping-bcoin-price 99 3,350,000 7,035 45 N $9.23
chase login /questions/53605757/unable-to-use-selenium-to-automate-chase-site-login 65 3,350,000 7,035 82 N $1.49
whatsapp web /questions/78265879/whatsapp-web-js-how-can-i-fix-typeerror-cannot-read-properties-of-null-readin 33 3,350,000 7,035 44 N $1.20
whatsapp website /questions/33970924/how-does-web-whatsapp-com-work 73 3,350,000 7,035 80 N $1.20
base64 encodebase64 /questions/13109588/encoding-as-base64-in-java 1 22,200 6,748 51 N $
logging properties /questions/960099/how-to-set-up-java-logging-using-a-properties-file-java-util-logging 1 22,200 6,748 13 N $0.41

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Stackoverflow.com?

Stackoverflow.com ranks for 10,377,673 keywords, with 412,987 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "rgdal" (1,220,000 monthly searches), "yahoo webmail" (37,200,000 monthly searches), and "gmail" (55,600,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Stackoverflow.com's strong presence in informational and navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Stackoverflow.com?

Analysis of Stackoverflow.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include India (3,928,300 monthly visitors), United States (3,110,813 monthly visitors), and United Kingdom (2,670,015 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Stackoverflow.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in India.

Who Are Stackoverflow.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Stackoverflow.com faces strong competition from stackoverflow.com (3,000,000 shared keywords), github.com (1,567,277 shared keywords), and microsoft.com (1,554,407 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in stackoverflow.com and github.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 41.9 for its top competitor, Stackoverflow.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Stackoverflow.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Stackoverflow.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 412,987 keywords in position #1 and 543,723 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 2,151,442 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Stackoverflow.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 11,914,553 monthly visitors, Stackoverflow.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in India and United States contributes to its global rank of #359. This traffic distribution, combined with 10,377,673 ranking keywords, positions Stackoverflow.com as a significant player in the digital space.

Explore Similar Website Analysis


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Global Rank: #377

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Traffic: 11.3M

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Traffic: 11.3M

Organic Keywords: 2.4M


Global Rank: #384

Traffic: 11.3M

Organic Keywords: 6.1M


Global Rank: #385

Traffic: 11.3M

Organic Keywords: 1.6M


Global Rank: #386

Traffic: 11.3M

Organic Keywords: 1.0M


Global Rank: #387

Traffic: 11.2M

Organic Keywords: 11.0M


Global Rank: #388

Traffic: 11.2M

Organic Keywords: 4.5M


Global Rank: #389

Traffic: 11.2M

Organic Keywords: 6.2M