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Steamcommunity.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Steamcommunity.com

Comprehensive analysis of Steamcommunity.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #598 globally with 10,892,354 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Steamcommunity.com

Steamcommunity.com has built a robust backlink profile with 288,494 referring domains and 380,786,027 total backlinks. With 70.9% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


70.9% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Steamcommunity.com ranks for 108,097 keywords in position #1, and 463,335 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in United States and United Kingdom. This demonstrates Steamcommunity.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Steamcommunity.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
gamespot.com 1,408,097 26.4 492,416
↑320,654 ↓334,044 New 583,608
ign.com 1,177,916 32.4 299,932
↑328,375 ↓305,335 New 397,853
gamerant.com 1,132,350 34.5 244,866
↑308,523 ↓290,990 New 419,611
thegamer.com 971,094 35.5 177,699
↑288,557 ↓282,630 New 304,498
steampowered.com 767,613 35.8 215,970
↑213,179 ↓216,302 New 236,744
screenrant.com 758,074 40.8 89,912
↑211,433 ↓209,106 New 286,737
deviantart.com 744,399 40.0 70,010
↑165,530 ↓177,852 New 370,665
stackexchange.com 626,344 37.5 108,211
↑180,078 ↓159,976 New 241,577
apple.com 615,338 37.6 114,119
↑146,617 ↓154,271 New 275,896

Top Keywords for Steamcommunity.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
weter /profiles/76561198039516804/ 20 101,000,000 272,700 1 N $0.35
lethal company /app/1966720 2 550,000 167,200 27 N $0.20
archiveofourown /discussions/forum/12/4147320059827429918/?l=bulgarian 4 823,000 54,235 22 N $3.25
mod nexus /discussions/forum/1/864980734865856880/?l=greek 5 450,000 43,785 41 N $1.69
jackbox tv /app/331670/discussions/0/152390014784836004?l=tchinese 5 823,000 38,598 23 C $5.30
ao3 /discussions/forum/12/4147320059827429918/?l=bulgarian 12 4,090,000 30,675 24 I $0.55
nexus mod website /discussions/forum/1/864980734865856880/?l=greek 6 450,000 29,655 33 N $1.69
steam authy /discussions/forum/10/2572002906853609175/ 1 90,500 27,512 15 C $0.10
lethal corporation /app/1966720 5 550,000 25,795 23 N $0.20
shrouded isle /app/675080 5 246,000 23,935 21 I $0.45
garry's mod modding /workshop/browse/?appid=4000 1 74,000 22,496 30 N $0.18
tiktok /discussions/forum/12/4361249282371669704/ 21 9,140,000 21,936 75 N $1.15
fibbage jackbox tv /app/331670/discussions/0/152390014784836004?l=tchinese 9 823,000 21,068 19 T $5.30
lethal co /app/1966720 7 550,000 18,590 51 N $0.20
steamclean /discussions/forum/2/3368153731105601340/ 3 110,000 17,820 0 N $0.88
the days before /app/1372880 3 110,000 17,820 37 I $0.11
lespia /app/1207650/discussions/0/3094509155621316937/?l=german 4 246,000 16,211 0 C $1.43
poptropica pc /app/1813270 4 165,000 16,054 30 C $0.76
tesv skyrim /app/72850/discussions/0/846961716477146787 6 165,000 16,054 20 I $0.81
fedex tracker /app/1675200/discussions/0/3424446023714287376/ 55 7,480,000 15,708 43 I $0.33
alliance of valiant arms /app/102700 5 90,500 14,661 15 N $1.72
chains together /app/2567870 2 90,500 14,661 5 C $0.29
atheris /market/listings/730/AWP%20%7C%20Atheris%20(Field-Tested) 6 301,000 14,116 19 N $2.52
red dead redemption 2 rockstar /app/1174180/discussions/0/1750142483354086415/?l=spanish 8 301,000 14,116 43 C $0.34
clicking cookie /app/1454400/discussions/0/3044984779777373677//1000 10 673,000 13,258 16 N $0.44
slavania /app/1349600 6 201,000 13,245 9 I $1.43
walter hartwell white /profiles/[U:1:133062455] 7 201,000 13,245 14 T $0.29
eneba /discussions/forum/0/4298193819413984025/ 3 135,000 13,135 45 N $0.03
logitech g hub /discussions/forum/11/2284960483107568498/?l=tchinese&ctp=2 3 135,000 13,135 5 T $0.02
metacritic /app/1840080/discussions/0/4357873276734286415/?l=schinese&ctp=2 3 135,000 13,135 31 N $0.62
five nights at freddy's plus /app/2107410 1 40,500 12,312 5 C $0.15
hunter x map /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828636148 3 74,000 11,988 23 I $1.14
freddy fazbear freddy /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3305430389 8 246,000 11,537 47 C $0.27
steam how to download /discussions/forum/1/3488627261053075417/ 6 246,000 11,537 61 I $0.12
funnest games /discussions/forum/7/3135045355771150800/?l=koreana 7 165,000 10,873 25 C $0.45
karl gg /app/548430/discussions/1/4576192906983051021/ 8 550,000 10,835 14 N $0.27
poe trades /app/238960/discussions/0/2948124408718214472/ 8 301,000 10,173 14 I $6.83
travle /app/351970/discussions/0/1729837292632331037/ 6 301,000 10,173 0 I $2.68
wheelspin /app/1551360/discussions/0/3370405364918891365/ 6 301,000 10,173 33 N $0.24
helldivers 2 servers at capacity /app/553850/discussions/0/7599331480041657774/ 3 33,100 10,062 0 I $
metria /app/3017110 20 2,240,000 9,632 40 I $0.78
star fields /app/499420 8 201,000 9,426 31 N $3.72
vrchat login /app/438100/discussions/5/1693785035822864158?l=latam&ctp=2 5 201,000 9,426 8 N $9.82
game helldivers /app/394510 11 368,000 9,420 61 C $0.45
wheel of fortune /app/2379780/discussions/0/4346606879510468119/ 12 823,000 9,299 31 N $11.04
coin flipper /app/2153770 14 1,220,000 9,150 41 T $14.23
meta score /discussions/forum/1/864971765340409634/?l=japanese 5 135,000 8,896 23 I $0.62
rockstar social club gta /app/271590/discussions/0/405691491109499472/?l=tchinese 5 135,000 8,896 10 C $1.89
the rancher /app/1501310 4 135,000 8,896 3 N $1.28
valkie /app/2190590 4 135,000 8,896 6 C $1.58
heavy r /app/223750/discussions/0/4891437254530577609/?l=spanish&ctp=1 8 450,000 8,865 6 I $1.00
lethal company mods /app/1966720/discussions/0/4032472470664821962/?l=tchinese 3 90,500 8,805 2 N $0.38
gigantic games /app/327690 9 246,000 8,314 48 C $1.60
influence points /app/289070/discussions/0/1700542332325927168/ 7 246,000 8,314 0 I $4.34
orc massage /app/1129540 2 27,100 8,238 0 N $0.42
dark and darkest /app/2016590 7 110,000 7,249 41 C $0.76
darker dark /app/2016590 5 110,000 7,249 47 C $0.76
the underdome /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=746831788 6 110,000 7,249 0 I $2.74
until dawn the game /app/2172010 8 110,000 7,249 52 C $0.56
before the night /app/1829420 6 74,000 7,200 17 C $
garry's mod game /app/4000 5 74,000 7,200 69 C $0.18
playboi farti /id/YungKurtCobain 10 450,000 6,750 0 I $0.44
trapper movies /app/381210/discussions/0/2828702372992875774/ 11 450,000 6,750 4 I $1.54
american truck sim mods /app/270880/workshop/ 1 22,200 6,748 29 T $0.05
steam communities / 1 22,200 6,748 34 N $0.35
trucking simulator mods /app/270880/workshop/ 1 22,200 6,748 14 N $0.05
emudeck /app/1675200/discussions/0/4040358259643065287/ 2 40,500 6,561 41 N $0.51
et tumor brute /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=921378724 2 40,500 6,561 1 I $
enshrouded /app/1203620 9 135,000 6,331 50 I $0.32
epic game shop /app/2183900/discussions/0/4763207778563275051/ 8 135,000 6,331 30 N $0.53
r6 tracker /app/359550/discussions/0/3158631000002461237/?l=hungarian 15 1,220,000 6,222 20 C $4.28
fallout.tv show /app/38410/discussions/0/4363499814076449058/?l=japanese 15 550,000 6,215 64 I $0.46
grand theft auto 6 grand theft auto 6 /app/271590/discussions/0/4033600363460303429/?l=tchinese&ctp=3 15 823,000 6,172 71 T $0.17
gta gta 6 /app/271590/discussions/0/4033600363460303429/?l=tchinese&ctp=3 17 823,000 6,172 72 I $0.17
pirate spaceship /app/1716740/discussions/0/3875966128768525135/ 14 823,000 6,172 21 C $7.56
tv jack box /app/331670/discussions/0/152390014784836004?l=tchinese 13 823,000 6,172 9 T $5.30
steaky /id/Steakybeaky 13 673,000 6,124 0 N $1.01
bg3 mod /app/1086940/discussions/0/4034728215961474116/ 4 90,500 5,963 20 N $1.07
chained together /app/2567870 7 90,500 5,963 19 I $0.29
kotaku website /discussions/forum/12/2264689848051014127/?l=tchinese 7 90,500 5,963 26 N $0.64
ghosts of tsushima /app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810588819920172/ 13 301,000 5,929 62 I $0.33
path of exile trading /app/238960/discussions/0/152392549358762166?l=schinese 10 301,000 5,929 9 N $6.83
greenmangaming /discussions/forum/0/1762481957315110172/ 5 60,500 5,886 45 N $0.07
indigo park /app/2504480 4 60,500 5,886 6 I $0.10
zomboid maps /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968702010 3 60,500 5,886 9 C $0.26
elden ring wiki /app/1245620/discussions/0/3278065083964495017/?l=spanish 6 165,000 5,577 37 I $0.29
helldivers /app/394510 13 368,000 5,520 78 I $0.45
hand of gods /app/648430 1 18,100 5,502 28 C $0.25
spinbotter /app/730/discussions/0/412448158142690498/ 1 18,100 5,502 1 C $1.66
tera /app/212740 2 18,100 5,502 30 I $0.40
e621 /app/571880/discussions/1/133257959061154716/?l=schinese 20 2,240,000 5,376 11 C $0.30
elden ring steam /app/1245620/reviews/?browsefilter=toprated&snr=1_5_100010_ 4 33,100 5,362 49 I $0.81
mod io /app/548430/discussions/1/3094515496016610965/?l=schinese 2 33,100 5,362 19 N $0.41
palia /app/2707930/reviews/?browsefilter=toprated&snr=1_5_100010_ 5 110,000 5,159 31 N $1.13
resetera /app/264710/discussions/0/1700541698701036965/?l=japanese&ctp=2 5 110,000 5,159 12 I $0.29
mog station /app/39210/discussions/0/1633040337745531219/?l=schinese&ctp=1 7 201,000 5,145 43 C $2.66
helldivers 2 /app/553850/discussions/0/4339851480060440705/?l=dutch 23 1,000,000 5,100 65 C $0.52
cookie clickers /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039210302 14 673,000 5,047 44 C $0.44
elden ring /app/1245620/reviews/?browsefilter=toprated&snr=1_5_100010_ 17 550,000 5,005 88 I $0.81
garry's mod gmod /app/4000/workshop/ 7 74,000 4,876 76 N $0.18

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Steamcommunity.com?

Steamcommunity.com ranks for 10,892,354 keywords, with 108,097 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "weter" (101,000,000 monthly searches), "lethal company" (550,000 monthly searches), and "archiveofourown" (823,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Steamcommunity.com's strong presence in navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Steamcommunity.com?

Analysis of Steamcommunity.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include United States (3,792,163 monthly visitors), United Kingdom (1,762,969 monthly visitors), and Brazil (918,575 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Steamcommunity.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in United States.

Who Are Steamcommunity.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Steamcommunity.com faces strong competition from steamcommunity.com (2,999,996 shared keywords), gamespot.com (1,408,097 shared keywords), and ign.com (1,177,916 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in steamcommunity.com and gamespot.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 33.5 for its top competitor, Steamcommunity.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Steamcommunity.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Steamcommunity.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 108,097 keywords in position #1 and 463,335 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 2,376,062 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Steamcommunity.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 7,558,813 monthly visitors, Steamcommunity.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in United States and United Kingdom contributes to its global rank of #598. This traffic distribution, combined with 10,892,354 ranking keywords, positions Steamcommunity.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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Organic Keywords: 1.8M