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Primevideo.com Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Primevideo.com

Comprehensive analysis of Primevideo.com's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #128 globally with 7,821,702 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

20 days ago

Backlink Statistics for Primevideo.com

Primevideo.com has built a robust backlink profile with 57,314 referring domains and 69,401,441 total backlinks. With 6.6% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


6.6% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Primevideo.com ranks for 99,074 keywords in position #1, and 372,620 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in Brazil and India. This demonstrates Primevideo.com's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Primevideo.com

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
imdb.com 257,520 9.7 189,903
↑60,597 ↓78,851 New 56,392
dailymotion.com 168,261 32.8 40,163
↑28,998 ↓33,338 New 97,139
indiatimes.com 165,126 34.7 25,336
↑27,075 ↓46,229 New 84,938
rottentomatoes.com 158,459 19.1 71,155
↑51,835 ↓51,906 New 34,021
apple.com 151,489 31.0 26,055
↑34,746 ↓42,799 New 66,773
justwatch.com 140,338 31.6 30,226
↑51,471 ↓30,675 New 49,355
netflix.com 128,072 26.7 47,554
↑28,140 ↓30,050 New 58,236
justdial.com 124,305 30.4 26,125
↑26,983 ↓38,181 New 52,094
bookmyshow.com 117,483 28.2 25,558
↑23,089 ↓33,793 New 54,125

Top Keywords for Primevideo.com

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
amazon https://www.primevideo.com/ 3 45,500,000 5,749,380 100 N $0.01
amazon prime https://www.primevideo.com/ 2 2,740,000 633,049 89 N $0.16
prime video https://www.primevideo.com/ 2 2,240,000 517,529 86 N $0.06
tumbbad https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Tumbbad/0JP2YUWYYUI1Q2NN73XBXXXC2T 2 1,000,000 304,000 25 C $0.04
mirzapur season 3 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mirzapur/0HV20AIVKWRM0Q9N6NCXO7DKD5 1 673,000 204,592 40 I $0.27
amazon prime https://www.primevideo.com/ 1 2,740,000 194,814 89 N $0.16
panchayat season 3 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Panchayat/0IKIUUPNDAEFPGV40BBYEBBVEH 1 550,000 167,200 12 I $0.05
prime video https://www.primevideo.com/ 1 2,240,000 159,264 86 N $0.06
aavesham https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Aavesham/0GJ790Y5AGTQU6J8OZR8KG4TOH 7 1,220,000 118,706 13 N $0.03
tiger 3 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Tiger-3/0N919Y58PK8T36JQFH6NNU2YLR 7 1,220,000 118,706 43 C $0.01
mirzapur season 3 release date https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mirzapur/0HV20AIVKWRM0Q9N6NCXO7DKD5 3 368,000 111,872 14 I $0.02
prime https://www.primevideo.com/ 2 450,000 103,968 86 N $0.11
mirzapur https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mirzapur/0HV20AIVKWRM0Q9N6NCXO7DKD5 6 1,000,000 97,300 45 I $0.07
aashiqui 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Aashiqui-2/0ND5MNRNZPTLZRI5FZT4HRCIDG 3 301,000 91,504 26 I $0.03
the gangster the cop the devil https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Gangster-The-Cop-The-Devil/0SGJF76DDK0S43AH20RC5GRFFK 2 301,000 91,504 21 C $0.28
en to hindi https://www.primevideo.com/help?nodeId=G7HQ2NP8MAZNKM37 82 37,200,000 78,120 24 N $0.04
from https://www.primevideo.com/detail/From/0JIXU72UA5G5MWKASJNMQG2P1N 7 673,000 65,482 49 I $0.02
india versus america https://www.primevideo.com/detail/America-Vs-India/0T646GZ202M74BGCQIBHEA0J1C 4 673,000 65,482 1 I $0.03
indian vs america https://www.primevideo.com/detail/America-Vs-India/0T646GZ202M74BGCQIBHEA0J1C 5 673,000 65,482 16 I $0.03
vettaiyan https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Vettaiyan/0GKBC6PVDGHQEQ2VAPKMHGZRZX 6 673,000 65,482 21 C $0.04
stree 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Stree-2-Sarkate-Ka-Aatank/0L3XGEP30JCFV7H3N1ZAJG2VFV 12 1,830,000 61,854 14 C $0.04
prime video mytv https://www.primevideo.com/mytv 1 201,000 61,104 79 N $0.13
kalki 2898 ad https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Kalki-2898-AD/0KQU5V0T0FGF8L5L368NKW6INT 10 1,220,000 57,218 21 T $0.12
video https://www.primevideo.com/ 11 6,120,000 55,692 100 N $0.03
hd movies 2.0 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/20-Hindi/0K64Z5LDG26WBF9UOBZWB1Y6HF 3 550,000 53,515 21 C $0.27
raayan https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Raayan/0JB2DO61KP6RCWAHJ0QJWTWLMK 7 550,000 53,515 13 I $0.10
sexy video https://www.primevideo.com/-/hi/detail/Sexy-Soucis/0HMUEP2O8Z30IPP7DIT0GDCZ4Y 68 24,900,000 52,290 0 I $0.02
primevideo.com mytv https://www.primevideo.com/mytv 1 165,000 50,160 61 N $0.09
kantharam https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Kantharam/0RQYHXL7POZ6MZU4T1BH19ZGUI 5 301,000 48,762 0 I $0.01
call me bae https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Call-Me-Bae/0TF2BODX83KZOWTP08NXFE897E 3 135,000 41,040 5 C $0.09
mast mein rehne ka https://www.primevideo.com/-/hi/detail/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%B8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A4-%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82-%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%87-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%BE/0GKA0WBLC0IJTPKMGYTWANSKP4 4 135,000 41,040 0 C $0.01
mirzapur season 1 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mirzapur/0PDOKMV9CRLOMO5EUKNCUJLG4Q 1 135,000 41,040 24 C $0.05
castle serial https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Castle/0M6IL9T5N64VWQ1L44P301HWOB 8 823,000 38,598 15 N $0.02
adulting video https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Adulting/0NABCM1PN4SWH3OZLVHVZTWL6B 4 550,000 36,245 3 I $
chandu champion https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Chandu-Champion/0MARCAWG5VJK4GIDNLXR1CR0ON 8 550,000 36,245 9 C $0.04
guruvayoor ambala nadayil https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Guruvayoor-Ambalanadayil/0HEE3IYYVJKRVISVH2BC3QAV44 7 368,000 35,806 32 C $
maidaan https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Maidaan/0Q1W5VZNIYKVD7JC1LB6YXN5IH 7 368,000 35,806 22 N $0.05
railway man movie https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Railway-Man/0JXIZLMZC11H1HKX0VURIO81JW 5 368,000 35,806 52 C $0.03
panchayat season 1 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Panchayat/0KEP4A6DWRKFYQFTSU5RXHEAN2 1 110,000 33,440 20 I $0.09
panchayat season 3 release date https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Panchayat/0F7ITN3V63GVKYSF4U36GEXRT8 5 201,000 32,562 26 I $
telugu movie arjun reddy movie https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Arjun-Reddy/0OBAEGVBDLVH04ZLXGRY1LQO6L 5 201,000 32,562 20 I $0.06
prime https://www.primevideo.com/ 1 450,000 31,995 86 N $0.11
india vs america https://www.primevideo.com/detail/America-Vs-India/0T646GZ202M74BGCQIBHEA0J1C 7 673,000 31,563 5 I $0.03
the boys https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Boys/0SSV1CIYHPUKDFUE5JOYRDKF06 9 673,000 31,563 88 N $0.03
given documentary https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Given/0IYGD3JB6W1O99SVVJCSM6529F 5 450,000 29,655 9 I $0.01
the family star https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Family-Star/0G3GM6SCC2AP6VFDQ6ZNBHPDON 8 450,000 29,655 21 C $0.07
24 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/24/0HG51DD6G2AW5FY85XWJYIPFQK 7 301,000 29,287 55 N $0.05
3 idiots https://www.primevideo.com/detail/3-Idiots/0LH1GMRIWABG6AFSW62O3BJJHH 7 301,000 29,287 26 C $0.03
married to my husband https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Marry-My-Husband/0U9LVA2T8NCPW1W1B51AGU7KCR 6 301,000 29,287 52 I $0.11
crash course https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Crash-Course/0T8LHCCBXXSR5BA8H6V2YBA75R 1 90,500 27,512 31 N $0.11
panchayat season 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Panchayat/0NLN7HPTV0V9125UVB41HCIUNF 1 90,500 27,512 18 I $0.08
dj tillu https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Dj-Tillu/0O5IZ32PU7RUCLMMXP7HJK3TYB 5 165,000 26,730 19 I $0.08
flames https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Flames/0PNKYTZZ19CSCR5SA4VX9AUXKK 2 165,000 26,730 33 N $0.08
prime amazon membership https://www.primevideo.com/ 3 165,000 26,730 48 N $0.27
strangest things https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Strangest-Things/0FCL30JC5I7SR2WLJ1J05MRRE3 6 550,000 25,795 8 C $0.01
prime video login https://www.primevideo.com/ 2 110,000 25,414 44 N $0.04
entertainment https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Entertainment-English-Subtitled/0P9CCYHERURPFNH2EJOYTON602 4 368,000 24,251 70 N $0.05
kalki movie tamil https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Kalki-2898-AD/0KQU5V0T0FGF8L5L368NKW6INT 6 368,000 24,251 10 I $0.06
sita ramam https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Sita-Ramam/0G2G9F9BZAJUW8XZ2RQ5N3MRBS 9 368,000 24,251 21 I $0.04
badlapur film https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Badlapur/0NYLAIRVQLQP6OP02WF5P6FRLN 7 246,000 23,935 17 C $0.06
indian police force https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Indian-Police-Force/0GGXWIWOHIGGXWZEGICB042XKL 6 246,000 23,935 39 C $0.01
star movie https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Star/0KSAN9O808SSZIW8JMMJJH2865 6 246,000 23,935 23 C $0.04
blue film https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Blue-Movie/0KVV0RD1TWL19PUK2AFA8BR8JV 48 11,100,000 23,310 0 C $0.07
laila majnu https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Laila-Majnu/0FWQIDP6YP1HPIIQD133AI6NBA 10 673,000 22,747 6 C $0.10
kill movie ott https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Kill/0JMFNIW8UW7PIC4EZBTY7ZVJ42 1 74,000 22,496 12 C $0.11
mirzapur season 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mirzapur/0FBF7DWFYG99Y3TSNVJ4ELOLBO 1 74,000 22,496 26 I $0.05
stree 2 ott https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Stree-2-Sarkate-Ka-Aatank/0L3XGEP30JCFV7H3N1ZAJG2VFV 3 74,000 22,496 0 C $0.02
tiger 3 ott release date https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Tiger-3/0N919Y58PK8T36JQFH6NNU2YLR 3 74,000 22,496 8 T $
chandni chowk in china https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Chandni-Chowk-to-China/0L30GOM5G6NCHYDG8V58SDDCBW 6 135,000 21,870 18 C $0.04
chowk to china https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Chandni-Chowk-to-China/0L30GOM5G6NCHYDG8V58SDDCBW 5 135,000 21,870 14 C $0.04
kgf chapter 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/KGF-Chapter-2-Hindi/0OLFV66669RCQ9BSC7YCWOZA6S 5 135,000 21,870 33 C $0.07
vaaranam aayiram https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Vaaranam-Aayiram/0PQHTYWNTMTOQMF3FWXU8GHZP7 4 135,000 21,870 8 C $0.09
aquaman 2 https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Aquaman-and-the-Lost-Kingdom/0F8EG0MIVUCIBBM2UNR9MHKOSL 8 301,000 19,835 30 C $0.14
bhagavanth kesari https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Bhagavanth-Kesari-I-Dont-Care/0T32GHCNEKKMOVBFOD9N9B9H0A 8 301,000 19,835 15 C $0.05
garudan https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Garudan/0TZX7PFLL0T2ST6FQN0YECUD1W 8 301,000 19,835 7 N $
maxton hall https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Maxton-Hall---The-World-Between-Us/0PNRI6RQY7CIO04HACV89WK5I3 7 201,000 19,557 14 N $0.05
mohabbatein https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mohabbatein/0G0VN7VDPSAA2IZMRZZNASASP4 7 201,000 19,557 18 I $0.04
movie parking https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Parking/0HHRZXHF7FG1RIGVJKPYQGJHQH 7 201,000 19,557 8 I $0.02
operation valentine https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Operation-Valentine-Hindi/0J82D7VVLTW5DELTKMXX19EGN0 7 201,000 19,557 14 I $0.03
veer and zaara https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Veer-Zaara/0S7X9F1I1XQCMMK42JMFFRKMZ3 6 201,000 19,557 14 T $0.04
zaara veer https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Veer-Zaara/0S7X9F1I1XQCMMK42JMFFRKMZ3 6 201,000 19,557 13 T $0.04
amazon.com https://www.primevideo.com/ 5 450,000 19,205 100 N $0.03
mo tamil movie https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Mo/0QBSWE23ZDOT78S1D8Q4GAFQI8 8 550,000 18,590 4 I $0.03
amazon prime login https://www.primevideo.com/ 1 60,500 18,392 32 N $0.28
ondu sarala prema kathe https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Ondu-Sarala-Prema-Kathe/0SV747E9WLA3HAX20ZN353962G 3 60,500 18,392 2 T $0.09
sultan movie in hindi https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Sultan/0RZEG1T2RQ0MVN1NC9SOV322G0 3 60,500 18,392 5 I $0.07
kalki tamil movie download https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Kalki-2898-AD/0KQU5V0T0FGF8L5L368NKW6INT 2 110,000 17,820 15 C $0.07
kottukkaali https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0P8THYZGB0P9B19BGNGH8IO3LY/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r 3 110,000 17,820 5 T $0.01
chithha https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Chithha/0PSSUXSW5RALGI1Z2KJELKPXVN 8 368,000 17,259 33 N $0.03
badlapur https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Badlapur/0NYLAIRVQLQP6OP02WF5P6FRLN 7 246,000 16,211 41 T $0.06
october https://www.primevideo.com/detail/October/0KVOW5B1SGGC67U9R3BX2F7KXB 8 246,000 16,211 57 I $0.43
dada https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Dada/0R217Y1Q451WCBPMHE8BA2SKPJ 5 165,000 16,054 44 I $0.02
jab we met https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Jab-We-Met/0IZIGS3J12SA8YI4UQQT2OS4WY 7 165,000 16,054 18 C $0.03
jai bhim https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Jai-Bhim-Telugu/0JAWKO4WJDONOIACAA037XNUC1 6 165,000 16,054 10 C $0.04
om bheem bush https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Om-Bheem-Bush-No-Logic-Only-Magic/0GDYVDFC8HKZR7SOS9T1LWJA3F 5 165,000 16,054 17 T $0.01
ooru peru bhairavakona https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Ooru-Peru-Bhairavakona/0NWSMMN73SRM289BNO7K8UGXFM 7 165,000 16,054 7 C $0.15
singapore saloon https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Singapore-Saloon/0JM6Z36JEMMR32SRN4TLNNW0QE 5 165,000 16,054 19 C $0.01
varisu https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Varisu/0R1YWU12P55RPK4O7W7JFJXTEM 10 450,000 15,210 14 N $0.03
dulquer salmaan charlie https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Charlie/0Q3ATVCYH2Z2ZZ5IBZ0M7J8PUK 2 49,500 15,048 8 C $0.04
films on amazon prime https://www.primevideo.com/collection/IncludedwithPrime 2 49,500 15,048 45 N $0.32

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Primevideo.com?

Primevideo.com ranks for 7,821,702 keywords, with 99,074 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "amazon" (45,500,000 monthly searches), "amazon prime" (2,740,000 monthly searches), and "prime video" (2,240,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Primevideo.com's strong presence in navigational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Primevideo.com?

Analysis of Primevideo.com's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include Brazil (16,466,412 monthly visitors), India (15,254,074 monthly visitors), and United States (11,707,818 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Primevideo.com's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Brazil.

Who Are Primevideo.com's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Primevideo.com faces strong competition from primevideo.com (293,441 shared keywords), imdb.com (257,520 shared keywords), and dailymotion.com (168,261 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in primevideo.com and imdb.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 30.5 for its top competitor, Primevideo.com maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Primevideo.com's Search Engine Visibility?

Primevideo.com's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 99,074 keywords in position #1 and 372,620 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 1,690,933 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Primevideo.com's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 28,965,125 monthly visitors, Primevideo.com demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Brazil and India contributes to its global rank of #128. This traffic distribution, combined with 7,821,702 ranking keywords, positions Primevideo.com as a significant player in the digital space.

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Organic Keywords: 8.5M


Global Rank: #155

Traffic: 23.5M

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Traffic: 23.5M

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